Kay Boyce‧柔美风情艺术绘画作品欣赏





My art has always been my passion ... and my appreciation for the female form goes back way before my teens,

when I would take a ballpoint pen and map around every change of colour on the faces that adorned the front covers of mother's 'Woman's Own' magazines.

The contours fascinated me, and those crystal clear eyes all but hypnotized me.

Women, horses and American Indian heads were all I wanted to capture back then, and it seemed it wasn't long before the Indians rode off into the sunset on those horses and left me, for the most part, with my ladies

'Now retired from work-a-day life, I'm free to let my pencils and brushes fly and what joy they bring, not just to me, but it seems to others too. With local shows, sales on the Internet and the offer of gallery showings in the USA, who knows where my new life may lead?”

