












重点话题Sample Answer

Describe a cafe which you have been to.

Well, I have been to this one dinning place, which can be either a restaurant or a cafe or it can be both. It was in Rome, not far from the Colosseum possibly 5 to 6 minutes’ walk, hidden in an old alley with green vines over the porch.

We took a trip there in March of 2014, me and my parents. That was my first time in Rome and its ancient buildings and giant marble pillars and magnificent temples still reveal the once prosperous and thriving Roman Empire. A walk among the ancient Roman buildings could actually take us back through time to when Rome ruled the world. But some of its streets were narrow and with continual ups and downs, which made us tired easily. That was when we found that little cafe hidden in the remote corner of the human civilizations.

There were few people sitting in there speaking some unknown language. We picked a table close to the window. What interested me was that it was such a small round table against the huge Rome city, both now and then. We meant to have a rest with a cup of coffee but their large size pizza made the decision to have lunch here on behalf of us.

I had pizzas in Beijing, thick and sweet and with all kinds of fruits, vegetables or cheese and sauce. And I once tried Supreme Pizza too, the so called biggest pizza in Beijing. It was really big, similar in the size of a steering wheel of a Smart. But compared to the pizza in this restaurant, it was a bit like David standing in front of Goliath. It was almost as big as the wheel of a truck, pretty thin and dotted with some mushrooms and cheese. The chef actually used a giant fork to get it out of a stone oven. And the taste was fabulous too.

And that made me love that cafe so much more.


