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艾琳·费雪(Karla Kuskin 1932–2009 ), 是美国著名的女诗人,遗憾我没搜到其在中国出版的书籍,和成系列的诗篇。不过,我搜到一些英文的原作,今天诗塾也想和大家一起互动下。我提供如下英文,希望大家踊跃翻译,给大家一个练笔的机会。翻译好的文字,可发在留言里,也可以发到我邮箱(wwwcox@qq.com )里,我会择日将一些代表性的翻译发布出来,与大家共同学习和提高。





by Aileen Fisher

The last of October

We lock the garden gate.

"The flowers alive all withered

That used to stand straight.

The last of October

We put the swings away

And the porch looks deserted

Where we like to play.

The last of October

The birds have all flown,

The screens are in the attic,

The sand pile's all gone;

Everything is put away

Before it starts to snow---

I wonder if the ladybugs

Have any place to go.



by Aileen Fisher

If I were a leaf

(but I wouldn't be)

I'd have to be tied

to a tree, tree, tree.

I couldn't walk off

(or skip or run)

and my nose would get burned

by the sun, sun, sun.

In summer I'd roast,

(in winter I'd freeze)

and all through October

I'd sneeze, sneeze, sneeze.


Butterfly Wings

by Aileen Fisher

How would it be

on a day in June

to open your eyes

in a dark cocoon,

And soften one end

and crawl outside,

and find you had wings

to open wide,

butterfly-on-a-red-flowerAnd find you could fly

to a bush or tree

or float on the air

like a boat at sea…

How would it BE?


Noses :

by Aileen Fisher

I looked in the mirror

and looked at my nose:

it’s the funniest thing,

the way it grows

stuck right out where all of it shows

with two little holes where the

breathing goes.

I looked in the mirror

and saw in there

the end of my chin

and the start of my hair

and between there

isn’t much space to spare with my nose,

like a handle, sticking there.

If ever you want

to giggle and shout

and can’t think of what

to do it about,

just look in the mirror and then, no doubt,

you’ll see how funny YOUR nose

sticks out!


Upside Down  
by Aileen Fisher

It's funny how beetles

and creatures like that

can walk upside down

as well as walk flat.

They crawl on a ceiling

and climb on a wall

without any practice

or trouble at all.

While I have been trying

for a year (maybe more)

and still I can't stand

with my head on the floor.


Little Talk
by Aileen Fisher

Don't you think it's probable

that beetles, bugs, and bees

talk about a lot of things -

you know, such things as these:

The kind of weather where they live

in jungles tall with grass,

and earthquakes in their villages

whenever people pass.

Of course, we'll never know if bugs

talk very much at all -

because our rears are far too big

for talk that is so small.


All in a Word
 by Aileen Fisher

Tfor time to be together, turkey,talk and tangy weather

Hfor harvest stored away, home and hearth and holiday

Afor Autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart

Nfor neighbors and November, nice things, new things to remember

Kfor kitchen, kettle's croon, kith and kin expected soon

Sfor sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special that abounds

That spells THANKS for joy in living

And a jolly good Thanksgiving.


Fly Fly Butterfly
by Aileen Fisher

Fly fly butterfly,

Fly fly butterfly,

Fly fly butterfly,

Fly up in the sky so high.


What do caterpillars do?

Nothing much but chew and chew.

What do caterpillars know?

Nothing much but how to grow.

They just eat what by and by

will make them be a butterfly,

But that is more than I can do

however much I chew and chew.


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