












Qing Lin Li,Curator,Professional artists

Member of Liaoning Artists Association

Director of Creation Base of Chinese Ecological Literature and Art


Solo exhibition

2018/"No Boundary": Li Qinglin Oil Painting Art Exhibition-Chifeng Art Museum

Group exhibition

2016/Works "Lost Memory" Participated in the Invitation Exhibition of the Ministry of Culture Project "Northeast Art Opinion" - Liaoning Art Museum

2015/Works "Door. Closed Years" Attended the Invitation Exhibition of Young Artists'Works of "Creating China" at the Global Outstanding Youth Summit - Dalian Davos Conference Center

2015/The Heroic Song was selected as the exhibition "Unforgettable History" to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Fascist War - Songzhuang Art Center, Beijing

2015/Works "Memory" participated in the second "Youth of Dreams" Liaoning Youth Art New Exhibition - won the "Supreme Award" Tour Dalian Exhibition - won the "Academic Award"

2014/Work "Purple Day" was selected as "Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic and Welcoming the 12th National Art Exhibition - Liaoning Excellent Art Exhibition"

2014/"May of Huaixiang-Baishiwan Art Salon First Exhibition", "Purple Sun", "Sunset Mountain Top" and other five oil paintings were exhibited in Dalian Art Museum.

2013/Works "Mother River" was selected for the Beautiful Liaoning Art Works Exhibition.









Only when the mind is combined with nature can the imaginary artistic space be created. Returning to the origin, starting from the original authenticity, we should find some important context belonging to our inner heart and purified philosophical and artistic language.

The greatest harvest and artistic value lies not in how many people appreciate it, but in the soul's finding, and the "pure land" and "freedom" that belong to itself have space and new possibilities.

Nature, authenticity, margin, thinking, reproduced in my works, with loneliness "walk" belongs to my own way, focusing on negative and incomplete creation.

The essence of the work is that "rational" reveals that everything in the world has something in common, intrinsic and eternal, not to mention the opposition of realism, but the deepening of art. It is composed of visible and unknown worlds. There is no answer. In the works of art entangling the soul, hope and despair interweave, giving the viewer thinking.

The universe is infinite, and its inner real mysteries are inexhaustible. The exploration of the essence of artistic life is the future and exploration that I pursue indefinitely.

Li Qinglin

《召唤心灵的风景》油画100x120cm 2018




Qinglin's paintings feel like a gong wind (which Taoists think is a strong wind from the sky). It washes away the inherent shackles of visual effects in our hearts, evokes the great tangles and explosive releases in our souls. It reminds us of the final duel between the billows and hot magma when volcanoes erupt. It is accompanied by dark lead clouds and dazzling lightning in the sky. Just like the reappearance of the illusion and the difficult scenes in the Dreamland after my great depression, it is an amazing beauty!

Sun Guohui

《乡音》油画100x100cm 2018



Qinglin is a person with bold temperament, broad appearance and delicate heart. When he first met him, he showed me some of his works. Some pictures of the northern rural scenery, mountains, rivers and trees, which are vivid in color and powerful in brush strokes, were all stimulated by the pictures he painted.

In the exhibition of Liaoning National Art Fund project, I found that his works have changed a lot. The language of his paintings is more pure, the color is thicker, the brushwork is magnificent and free. In the limited color, the coordination of planarity and material is emphasized, which makes the picture have a distinct contemporary artistic flavor, and tries to integrate the elements of traditional Chinese painting into it. It is not difficult to see that his pursuit of the artistic conception of traditional oriental painting is a good direction for his efforts.

《心岸》油画100x100cm 2018



2018年8月 沈阳

Recently, he has created many new works with strong color contrast and more free, fluent and powerful expression. He has effectively applied the achievements of modernist art to his own artistic practice, and the pictures are more concise and refined. Landscape, vegetation and houses are highly summarized and arranged in a two-dimensional space by him, which integrates color, black and white blocks and pictures organically, forming a unique tension, thus shaping a picture with tension and contradiction. Here we can see that he is trying to explore and integrate Eastern and Western cultures, which is very positive and meaningful as an artist. Attitude.

Director of Art Museum of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts: Wang Yigang

August 2018, Shenyang


《风景》油画100x100cm 2018

《依旧》油画100x100cm 2018

《忧郁的风》油画100x100cm 2018

《子夜》油画100x100cm 2018

《离愁》油画50x70cm 2018

《冷雨》油画50x70cm 2018

《灏》油画150x200cm 2018

《忧郁的风景》油画100x100cm 2018



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