【胡宗锋 专栏】贾平凹:写给母亲,句句催人泪下!

文/贾平凹 译/胡宗锋
Translated from the Chinese by Hu Zongfeng& Robin Gilbank
Writtenfor My Mother

When people are alive, they do not careabout day and night because they can only occupy themselves with a finitenumber of matters. Once a person has passed away, the days pile up: accordingto my reckoning, in twenty days’ time it will be the third anniversary of mymother’s death.
During these three years, I have been seizedby a queer sensation, namely I have felt that my mother is not actually gone. Ihave also felt that my mother shares the sense that she has not departed. It issaid that dying is like going to sleep, but while the sleeper knows he mustslumber on a bed he does not know when exactly he will drift off. For fourteenyears, my mother lived together with me in Xi’an. After a serious illness, thedoctor confirmed that all of her organs were in a state of terminal exhaustion.I then decided to send her back to our home village of Dihua, where she mightcontinue to receive medical care. Every day, in my home village, she knew thatonce one bag of intravenous medicine was spent, her children would feed anotherinto the drip. She simply shut her eyes and lay down there at ease. On thethird night, her closed eyes did not open, but she was certain that the dripremained attached. She did not realize that thereafter she would never regainconsciousness because when she lay down she asked my younger sister to wash herfacecloth. The comb lay beside her pillow. The key tied to her belt stayedfastened. She did not convey her final wishes.

Three years ago, whenever I sneezed I wouldalways ask “who is missing me?” My mother loved to crack jokes. She would pickup where I left off and say “who is missing? Your mother is missing you!”During these three years, I have sneezed with greater regularity. Usually, whenI am late for a meal or stay up for too long I will sneeze. When I sneeze Ithink of my mother and I am certain that my mother is still missing me.
My mother is missing me. She does notbelieve that she has passed away. I am even more convinced that she is stillalive. This feeling is especially intense when I stay quietly alone at home.Often, when I am writing I will suddenly hear that my mother is calling me. Thevoice is real and sincere. On hearing her call, I will customarily twist myhead to the right. Before, my mother used to perch on the edge of the bed inthe room to the right-hand side. When I craned over and began to write, shewould stop walking around and not make a peep. Instead she would keep her eyesfixed on me. After having stared at me for a long time, she would call out forme and then say, “Can you finish writing all the words in the world? Go out andwalk for a while.” Now, whenever, I hear that my mother is calling me I willlay down my pen and walk into the room. I wonder if my mother has come to Xi’anfrom Dihua? Of course, there is nothing in the room, but I will stand there fora long time and say to myself that my mother has returned, but popped out ontothe street to buy my favorite green peppers and radishes. Or perhaps, she ispulling my leg by deliberately hiding behind her portrait hung on the wall? Iwill then burn incense in the censing bowl in front of the picture and add onesentence: “I am not tired.”
Over those three years, I have composeddozens of articles for others, but never written one single character for mymother. This is because in the eyes of their children all mothers are great andkind. I do not want to repeat this cliché. My mother was an ordinary woman withbound feet. She was illiterate and her household registration certificate wasstill that of a peasant. However, my mother was so important to me. After along, long time the thought of her illness no longer brings my heart into mymouth. And yet whenever I prepare to venture to a distant place there is nolonger anybody nag me to do this and that. When I am given fine food and drink,I no longer know to whom I should send them.

In my home in Xi’an, I have not moved astick of furniture in the room where my mother formerly lived. Everything hasbeen left in its original state. However, I have never glimpsed my mother’sshadow. Again and again, I have repeated gravely to myself: “My mother is notdead. She has gone to live in the countryside.” This summer it is too hot andhumid. Every night when the heat and humidity wakes me, in a trance I thinkthat I should install a new air-conditioner for my mother. When I spring backto my senses, I comfort myself that my mother is living in a new place in thecountryside. That place must be cool.

The date of the third anniversary is drawingnear. According to the custom of the countryside we should hold a specialceremony. I am preparing candles, incense, and fruit, ready to go back toDihua. But once I return to Dihua, I have to visit her grave. The reality isthat my mother has passed away. I am on the ground and she is beneath it. Lifeand death separate us. The mother and son can never cross paths again. Tearscascade down my face accompanied by a long wail.


