


3、last ten call ,上十个港的保安等级情况,有无特别措施,当前的保安等级。不可缺少

4、security declaration 是否完整,与港口的保安部门是否建立了联系,本港的船、港界面活动是否进行了控制

5、security equipment 功能是否良好和alert system是否进行保养,有无记录,这种记录可以是电子版的。


7、ship security officer是否称职,这个可以通过询问获得8、船上保安等级应按照港口保安等级进行调整,按照对应的保安等级作出相应的调整。保安等级1的时候,对进入船舶的通道进行管制 ,对进入限制区域的通道需经许可方可进入,船舶物料需进行检查  ,对无人照看的行李的处理应妥善处理 ,保安等级2、3,按照保安计划的要求增加附加措施。9、大致如此,附送轮机长靓照

“学的到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练。”10、来自缺陷数据库的常见保安缺陷及处理意见,缺陷很详细对照整改吧16101Ship security   defectsPSCO ID was not   checked by the responsible crew member during the embarkation. (ISM)PSCOID没检查,缺陷1716106Security drillsDill   shall, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an actual   emergency crew failed first fire drill, crew was unable to maintain fire   boundaries.3016101Ship security defectsThe   ship failed in the access control to the ship.One stowaway embarked during discharge operation at Douala Port,   Cameroon.无人值班,滞留缺陷    3016106Security drillsCrew   members with access control responsibilities are not familiar with the   procedures, identification and verification of restricted areas provided by   the SSP不清楚限制进入区域,滞留缺陷.3016105Access control to   shipAccess   control not proper;  Identification   check and  boarding pass not provided.1716105Access control to   shipRestricted   area opening of escape trunk entrance to E/R and accommodation entrance on   Boat deck not under controlled.9916106Security drillsSecurity   drill only hold two times in 2017(03 Jan. 2017 and 14 Oct. 2017). (ISM)1616106Security drillsSecurity   drill not hold within one week when exceed 25%crew members changed on 26 Apr.   2017, 08 Jul. 2017 and 29 Sep. 2017. (ISM)1616102security alert systemSSAS   test evidence missing. (ISM)1016106Security   drillsPeriod   of compulsory drill inappropriate - ISPS drill not conducted within 7 days   after more than 25 % crew changed on 03-10-2017(6 persons,17 total).1716101Ship   security defectsSecurity   check from shore to ship not properly conducted.1716105Access   control to shipMany   access doors to accommodation not under security control due to lock   broken.(ism)体系缺陷1716106Security   drillsVessel   failed to follow security drills requirements set forth by company and SSP.1716105Access   control to shipNo   access control in place at gangway.1716101Ship security defectsPFSO   contact details not available on board impairing any possibility of   implementation of security measures with the PFSO.与港口保安机构未建立联系1716101Ship security defectsMandatory   information to be provided according SOLAS XI-2/R.5 not available on board.1716105Access control to   shipThe   lower bridge deck doors were found inoperative only being able to be secured   by a locked in bar secured.1716105Access control to   shipThe   door of E/R funnel, the door of emergency generator engine room not under   security control.9916199Other (Maritime   security)SSAS   test missing.9916106Security drillsSecurity   exercise (Ship-Shore) to be on board missing.1716103Ship security planSecurity   manual is not approved.1716105Access control to   shipDoors   unlocked providing access to restricted areas, which include the engine room,   main deck and superstructure.1716105Access   control to shipGangway   watch did not require ID for the attending PSCOs as per ship policy.   Additionally, ships security personnel failed to escort the PSCOs when   evaluating restricted area.3016106Security   drillsThe   vessel could not provide the security exercise needed for it's required 2016   annual security exercise.1016105Access   control to shipGangway   watch did not properly implement ISPS Code. (ISM 1)1716105Access   control to shipControl   of Visitors not correct-checking of ID card missing.9916105Access   control to shipThe   record date of last security drill and training incorrect.1716105Access   control to shipNo   visitor cards give to PSCO during embarkation. Additionally no other   visitors(only PSCO) were recorded on ISPS form.1016105Access   control to shipShip   access control not maintained well. Crew did not check PSCO identity from   gangway to cargo control room. Some column (time in, time out, baggage, duty   officer sigh) not entries.1716105Access   control to shipProcedure   of control visitors not correct (checking ID cards missing).9916104Ship   security officerThe   SSO was unfamiliar with security measures of SSP related to preventing   unauthorized access to restricted areas.3016101Ship   security defectsSeveral   areas, marked restricted were found unlocked and with no seal; including the   steering gear room and the engine room access from the weather decks.1016105Access   control to shipTaking   into account guidance in part B, proper identification was not required from   the port state control officer when accessing the ship.1016199Other   (Maritime security)Restrict   area not locked on deck when inspection.9916199Other   (Maritime security)Drinking   water tank filling pipe do not lock. (ISM)1716101Ship   security defectsFunnell   door found open during inspection.(ISM)1016105Access   control to shipVessel   was found having unaccounted and uncontrolled keys, and at a higher security   level causing conflict between safety and security.1016104Ship   security officerThe   duties and responsibilities of the ship security officer of the ship security   plan.Ship security officer and gangway watch was aware of the ship security   plan's requirements to search baggage at security livel 1. 保安等级1未检查行李1011、朋友出售1000吨油船,价格130万。 六个污油仓4个轻油仓,需要的留言。

