“You must come by ship," he had said." It's the only way to appreciate the differences and the sheer distance involved." He had given her some names of firms that might have a job going, and if she suspected he might be pulling strings at the other end to help her, Dinah thrust aside those suspicions in the excitement of planning for the adventure before her. Besides, one secretarial job is pretty much like any other, as her uncle had said, and Australia was surely the land of opportunity.
She got the letter from his solicitors the day before she was to sail. A very short letter, merely stating that Jonathan Fisher had died four days earlier after a brief but severe illness, and that he had specially asked that she should not be informed until after the funeral so as not to upset her sailing plans. In the same post was her acceptance letter from A.C.T.-T.V. , and Dinah had numbly accepted the lawyer's assumption that she would be going to Australia as originally planned.
It wasn't until she arrived in his office that her uncle's lawyer informed her of the strange legacy she had inherited.
"In essence, Jonathan wanted to ensure that you's give Australia a fair chance," the lawyer said. "So while he's chosen a strange way of organising it, I think you'll find everything quite straightforward. He's left you a small established fund, his old Mini and some personal effects.Those you'll receive immediately. But the bulk of the estate , which is just over fifty thousand dollars, goes into a trust fund that has these conditions: you must stay two full years in the country, working and supporting yourself for at least eighteen months of that time. He also insists that you visit every capital city for at least two days, and we've set aside travel funds for that."
在她要航行的前一天收到了他律师的信。一封非常短的信,信里只声明了乔纳森 费雪四天前就已经去世了,死于一个紧急的恶性病,并且他专门要求葬礼前不能告知黛娜以免打扰她的行程。同样的声明里还有一封A.C.T.-T.V.的接待函,黛娜木讷地接受了律师的建议--按原计划前往澳大利亚。