A 2009 built container ship was inspected during the CIC on safety of navigation in 2017. The following two deficiencies concerning VDR were recorded, in addition to other two deficiencies:
10114 Voyage data recorder (VDR)/Simplified Voyage data recorder(S-VDR) - No specific error code for VDR (Action code: 16)
10114航次数据记录器(VDR)/简化航行数据记录器(S-VDR) - VDR没有特定的错误代码(操作代码:16)
10114 Voyage data recorder (VDR)/Simplified Voyage data recorder(S-VDR) - No warning on VDR when it lost echo sounder information when switched off (Action code: 16)
10114航次数据记录器(VDR)/简化航行数据记录器(S-VDR) - VDR在关闭时当丢失回声测深仪信息时没有警告(行动代码:16)
The flag State Authority disagreed with the above deficiencies with the views that:
1. VDR in question installed on board the ship in October 2010 is in compliance with Resolution A.861(20) as amended by MSC.214(81), which is applicable for VDR installed before 1 July 2014;
1. 2010年10月在船上安装的VDR符合MSC.214(81)修订的A.861(20)决议,该决议适用于2014年7月1日之前安装的VDR;
2. In accordance with the guidance of the CIC, PSCO should verify if theVDR/SVDR is able to record data fully according to the date of keel laid and the date the VDR/SVDR is installed to ship; and
根据CIC指南,PSCO应根据龙骨铺设日期和VDR / SVDR安装日期来验证VDR / SVDR是否能够完整记录数据; 和
3. As the general principle, it was stated clearly in the guidance of the CIC that “the relevant Resolutions and Circulars are for information purposes only and should not be construed as regulations to be applied by PSC.
The PSC officer expressed the opinions that:
1. There was an error code shown on the display panel. Based on the guidance for the question on VDR, “PSCO should check the number of alarms shown on theVDR/SVDR panel and what do the alarms stand for (which could learn for theoperation manual). If there is alarm indicated on the panel, PSCO can request officers to verify if concerned equipment is well connected to the VDR/SVDR”; but neither the crew concerned could explain the error nor a list of error codes could be found on board;
1. 显示面板上显示了错误代码。 根据有关VDR问题的指导,“PSCO应检查VDR / SVDR面板上显示的报警数量以及报警的含义(可以学习操作手册)。 如果面板上显示警报,PSCO可以要求船员验证相关设备是否与VDR / SVDR连接良好“; 但是,有关船员都无法解释错误,也无法在船上找到错误代码清单;
2. Echo sounder information is requested under 5.4.8 of Resolution A.861(20) and 5.2.3 of Resolution A.861(20) provides that “each item of the recorded data is checked for integrity and an alarm given if a non-correctable error is detected.”, therefore, an alarm should be given when any of the data sources connected to the VDR was detected disconnected/switched off.
2. 根据A.861(20)决议5.4.8要求提供回声测深仪信息,并且A.861(20)决议的5.2.3规定“如果检测到不可纠正的错误,应检查记录数据的每个项目的完整性”。因此,当检测到连接到VDR的任何数据源断开/关闭时,应发出警报。
Points for discussion & consideration
Based on information provided by the flag State, the PSCO physically detached the echo sounder serial input to the Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) for checking the VDR alarms. Good practice???
VDR in question was type approved by the flag State Administration and in working condition.
Areas/items to be checked for the question on VDR in the CIC guidelines are just to provide references for PSCOs but not to be considered necessarily as mandatory requirements to be complied by all ships.
In principle, equipment onboard ships, which is approved/confirmed by the flag State Administration, should be accepted by PSCO as far as it is in working condition and is not considered deviating from the relevant requirements/standards substantially.
Based on the above, it would be appropriate to reconsider the two deficiencies.
What is your judgement on the deficiencies of this case?