- 形容身材 -
·lean legs 纤细的双腿
·inner/outer thigh 大腿内侧/外侧
·six-pack abs (abdominals) 六块肌
·firm abs 马甲线
·flat tummy 平坦小腹
·nice butt 翘臀
·v-line abs 人鱼线
·rock hard pecs 厚实胸肌
pec = pectorals 胸肌
·bulging biceps 壮硕手臂
·perfect beach body 火辣身材
He’s so cut! 他的肌肉很明显
·jumping jacks 开合跳
·Burpee 波比跳:是一种全身性的燃脂运动,结合了深蹲、跳跃和伏地挺身等动作,几乎70%的肌群都运用上了
·High knees running in place 原地提膝踏步
·push-ups 伏地挺身
·crunches 卷腹
·squats 深蹲
·triceps dips 三头肌撑体
·plank 棒式撑体
·lunges 弓箭步
·bridge 桥式
t杠划船:T-bar rows
单手哑铃划船:One-arm dumbbell row
宽握胸前下拉:Wide grip pull down to the chest
窄握胸前下拉:Narrow grip pull down
坐姿拉力器划船:Seated cable row
胸前引体向上:Chin-ups to the front
劲后引体向上:Chin-ups behind the neck
窄握引体向上:Narrow grip chin-ups
屈膝硬拉:Bend-knee dead lift
俯身弯起:Good morning
坐姿转体:Broomstick twist
站立体侧屈:Standing side bend
哑铃体侧举:Barbell side bend
上斜杠铃卧推:Incline barbell bench press
下斜杠铃卧推:Decline barbell bench press
哑铃仰卧推举:Dumbbell bench press
上斜哑铃卧推:Incline dumbbell bench press
下斜哑铃卧推:Decline dumbbell bench press
俯卧撑:Push ups
仰卧飞鸟:Dumbbell fly
上斜哑铃飞鸟:Incline dumbbell fly
下斜哑铃飞鸟:Decline dumbbell fly
仰卧拉力器飞鸟:Cable fly
交替哑铃弯举:Alternate dumbbell curls
俯坐弯举:Concentration curls
杠铃哑铃的斜托弯举:Barbell dumbbell incline curl
窄握杠铃卧推:Narrow grip barbell press
杠铃头后臂屈伸:Barbell triceps Extension
单手颈后臂屈伸:One-arm dumbbell triceps Extension
双手哑铃颈后臂屈伸:Two-arm overhand dumbbell Extension
俯立臂屈伸:Dumbbell kickback
凳上反屈伸:Reverse bench dips
拉力器下压:Triceps cable press down
单手反握拉力器下推:One-arm reverse press down
俯立拉力器臂屈伸:Cable kickback
两手绳策臂屈伸:Two-arm rope Extension
静后推举:Behind the neck press
立正划船:Upright rows
哑铃肩上推举:Seated dumbbell shoulder press
哑铃前平举:Front dumbbell raises
站立侧平举:Side lateral
俯坐侧平举:Seated bent-over lateral raises
俯立侧平举:Bent-over dumbbell lateral
杠铃耸肩:Barbell shrug
哑铃耸肩:Dumbbell shrug
拉力器耸肩:Cable shrug
杠铃腕弯举:Wrist curl with barbell
哑铃腕弯举:Wrist curl with dumbbell
背后腕弯举:Behind back wrist curl
杠铃反握弯举:Barbell reverse curl
杠铃负重举踵:Barbell calf raise
站立单腿举踵:Standing one-leg calf raise with dumbbell
俯立举踵:Bent-over calf raise (with weight)
坐姿举踵:Seated calf raise
上斜坐好屈体:Incline sit-up
仰卧负重弯起:Pull-over crunch
拉力器屈体收腹:Cable crunch
跪膝拉力器压缩:Rope crunch
仰卧屈膝收腹:Reverse crunch
斜扳仰卧屈膝收腹:Incline reverse crunch
坐姿屈膝收腹:Scissor crunch
双杠支撑腿上举:Parallel bar leg raise(knee ups)
悬垂屈膝腿上举:Hanging leg raise
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