329.Right petroclival meningioma(1)


Clinical Presentation:

A 50-year-old woman has a history of headaches for nearly a year. One month before admission, she developed numbness of the right side of her face with ataxia. Physical examination shows decreased sensation in the territory of cranial nerve V, mild right-sided facial weakness, and ataxia. No motor weakness is present. MRI is performed, followed by angiography with preoperative embolization.

Fig. 36.1 MRI. (A) T2-weighted and (B) post-gadolinium T1-weighted images.

Radiologic Studies

MRI revealed a well-defined extra-axial mass lesion at the right petroclival region with hypointense T1/hyperintense T2 signal and intense homogeneous enhancement on a post-contrast study. The lesion caused a significant mass effect on the right side of the pons and midbrain (Fig. 36.1). A linear, enhancing dural tail was observed along the clivus. The findings were consistent with the diagnosis of a

DSA:The study demonstrated a hypervascular tumor blush, supplied predominantly by branches of the right meningohypophyseal trunk from the right internal carotid artery (ICA) and meningeal branches from the right neuromeningeal trunk of the right ascending pharyngeal artery (Fig. 36.2 A,B). Minimal supply from branches of the left meningohypophyseal trunk and left ascending pharyngeal artery was also observed.


Right petroclival meningioma


1. petroclival 斜坡

2. meningioma /məˌnɪndʒiˈomə/ n. 脑(脊)膜瘤

3. ataxia /ə'tæksɪə/ n. 共济失调

4. numbness /ˈn ʌmnɪs/ n. 麻木;麻痹

5. gadolinium /ˌɡædə'lɪnɪəm/ n. 钆

6. clivus /'klaivəs/ n. 斜坡

7. pharyngeal /fə'rɪndʒɪəl/ adj. 咽的

8. obliteration /ə,blitə'reiʃən/ n. 涂去,删除;消灭;闭塞

9.  hypophyseal /ˌhai:pəu'fiziəl/ adj. 垂体的




