265.Falciform ligament sign(镰状韧带征)


A, Free intraperitoneal air may surround the normally invisible falciform ligament on the anterior edge of the liver causing that thin, soft tissue structure to become visible (solid white arrows) just to the right of the upper lumbar spine. Notice also that both sides of the stomach wall are visible (Rigler sign) (dotted white arrow) and there is increased lucency in the right upper quadrant (solid black arrow) in this patient with a large pneumoperitoneum from a perforated gastric ulcer.

B, The falciform ligament (solid white arrow) is outlined by free air (FA) on either side of it, anterior to the liver (L).


1. falciform   /ˈfælsəˌfɔrm/ adj. 镰刀状的

2. ligament  /'lɪɡəmənt/ n. 韧带

3. pneumoperitoneum   /'nju:mə,peritə'niəm/ n. 气腹

4. perforated   /ˈpɚfəˌretɪd/ adj. 穿孔的

Extensive Reading


Causes Of Extraperitoneal Air

Extraperitoneal air is most frequently the result of bowel perforation secondary to either:

· Inflammatory disease (e.g., ruptured appendix), or

· Ulcerative disease (e.g., Crohn disease of the ileum or colon)

Other causes of extraperitoneal air:

· Blunt or penetrating trauma

· Iatrogenic manipulation (e.g., perforation of the bowel during sigmoidoscopy)

· Foreign body (e.g., perforation of extraperitoneal ascending colon by an ingested foreign body)

· Gas-producing infection originating in extraperitoneal organs (such as perforated diverticulitis)




