医学影像英语每日读丨52.Endometriosis and adnexa cyst


Now initially when you're looking at these CT images in this young woman who's having pelvic pain, you see that there's a huge complex cystic mass with a thick wall and some internal septations arising in the pelvis. Now even though the patient is young, I think our first thought was that this was some kind of an unusual cystic ovarian malignancy. But if you look at the MRI images, you realize that this is not a malignancy but rather this is a mass that's actually very T1 hyperintense as a result of internal blood products. This is a classic endometrioma. Now notice in addition, not really visible on the CT but quite obvious on the MR, there are multiple dilated tubular structures on the left adnexa, and noticed that they're also filled with T1 bright hemorrhage. So this patient has endometriosis with left-sided hematosalpinx.
1. pelvic [ˈpɛlvɪk] adj. 骨盆的,关于骨盆的
2. septation [sep'teɪʃən] n. 分隔(作用)
3. ovarian [oˈvɛriən] adj. 卵巢的; 子房的
4. malignancy [məˈlɪɡnənsi] n. 恶性
5. endometrioma [endoʊ'mɪtrɪrmə] [医] 子宫内膜瘤,子宫腺肌瘤
6. dilated [daɪˈlet,ˈdaɪˌlet] vt. 扩张; 详述; 使扩大; 使膨胀; vi. 膨胀; 扩大; 详述
7. tubular [ˈtu:bjələ(r)] adj. 管系组织的; 管子形的,管状的
8. adnexa [æd'neksə] n. (器官的)附件
9. hemorrhage [ˈhɛmərɪdʒ] n. (尤指大量的) 出血,失血; vi. 大出血
10.endometriosis [ˌendoʊˌmi:trɪ'oʊsɪs] n. 子宫内膜异位
11. hematosalpinx [hemə'toʊzælpɪŋks] 输卵管积血