


A: Jane, is this your family photo?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Is he your father?

B: 1.                   . He is my uncle. That is my father.

A: 2.                   .

B: Oh, she is my cousin, a good girl.

A: 3.                   .

B: She is Mary.

A: 4.                   .

B: I'm on the sofa.

A: A nice family.

B: Thank you.

A: 5.                   .


A: Hi, Mike! I find a notebook. 1.______________?

B: No, Lisa. My notebook is on my desk. It may be Tom’s.

A: 2._____________________?

B: He is in the playground(操场)

A: Well, let me call him. 3.________________?

B: It`s 19056567878.

(Lisa calls Tom.)

A: Hello, Tom . There is a notebook on the teacher`s desk. Is it yours?

C: A notebook? What color is it?

A: Black and white. And 4._________________.

C: Oh, it’s mine. I will get it .5.______________.

A: You are welcome.


A: Hi, Han Mei.   1

B: I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven.

A: Oh, I have a good friend in your class.

B:   2

A: Yes, she is a girl. She has a round face.

B: Does she have long black hair?

A:   3                      She has short black hair.

B: Does she have big eyes?

A:   4

B: Oh, I see. It’s Li Meng.

A: No, it isn’t.

B:  5

A: She comes from Shanghai.

B: Is she Zhang Hong?

A: Yes, you are right.


A: Hello! May I speak to Bob?

B: This is Bob. 1.                              ?

A:Yes, this is Amy. I lost my bag

B:2.                              ?

A: It's red.

B:3.                              ?

A: My English book is in it.

B: You can call the Lost and Found.

A:4.                              ?

B: It's232-4672.

A: Thank you.

B: 5.                             .



B:Hello, Eric! 1.                               ?

A: It's a photo of my family.

B:2.                                   ?

A:They are my parents.

B:Is he your brother?

A:3.                                  . He's my cousin.

B:4.                                 ?

A:She's my sister.

B:Oh,it's a nice photo.

A:5.                               .

B:You are welcome.


A: Good morning!


A: What's your name?

B: I'm Tom Black.

A: I'm Mary Green.


A: Nice to meet you, too! 3._______________?

B: His name is Frank


B: Brown. He's Frank Brown.


B: Yes, he is my good friend.


A: Hello, Mary! 1.________________?

B: It’ s my family photo.


B: She is my sister. And the boy is my brother


B: No, they aren't my parents. They are my uncle and aunt

A: Oh, I see. 4._______________?

B: Yes, she is my cousin


B: Her name is Susan


A. Excuse me, Mr Smith. I lost my schoolbag.


A. My name is Rose Miller.


A. It's green


A. Oh, an English book, a dictionary, a notebook and a

pencil box.

B. Well, Jack shared(分享) a schoolbag on his

Moments(朋友圈). He found it in the morning.I think it's yours. Please call him.




B. You are welcome.


A: Mum! 1.______________?Help me find it, please.

B: Is it in your pencil box?


B: I think it's on your desk

A: Yes, it is. The eraser is on my desk. 3._____________?

B:It’ s on the chair.

A:4.________________.It's my sister’s schoolbag.

B: Oh, yours is on your bed.

A: Yes, Mum. It's here, on my bed. 5._______________.

B: I think you should be tidy.


A: Hi. Frank! Let's play tennis.

B:1._______________.Do you have tennis balls and tennis bats?

A: No, I don't have them. 2.________________?

B: No, I don't, either. But I have a soccer ball. 3._______________.

A: Sorry, I don't like to play soccer. Let's play ping-pong. I have a ping pong ball and a ping pong

bat .

B: Good. 4.______________?

A:In my desk. Do you have a ping pong bat?

B: No, I don't But Jim has one.

A: Well, let's go and ask him for it.

B:OK. 5.________________!


A: Good morning, Tom!


A: Do you have healthy eating habits?

B: Yes, I do.


B: I like milk and eggs for breakfast.


B. Yes, I do. I often have an apple or a pear after breakfast.

A: How about lunch?

B: I have some salad for lunch


B: I like eating fruit and vegetables for dinner.


B: Yes, I like ice-cream, but I don't eat it. It can make me fat.


W: Good morning! Can I help you?

M:1._______________.I need to buy some fruit.

W. OK.2._______________?

W.M: Oh, the apples look very good. How much are they?

W.W:  They are 10 yuan a kilo.

W.M: Great! I'll take two kilos. Do you have bananas?

W.W:3._______________.They are all sold out(卖完了)

W.M: Oh, my daughter likes them very much.

W.W: We have strawberries for only 20 yuan a kilo. You can buy some for your daughter.

W.M. OK. I'll take a kilo


W.M: Thank you!



Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday!

Alan:1._________________, Bill.

Bill: So, 2.______________, Alan?

Alan: I'm twelve How old are you?

Bill. I'm thirteen.

Alan: 3.______________?

Bill: My birthday is in August.

Alan: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party

Bill: Oh, yes, 4.________________ ?

Alan: At three this afternoon

Bill: OK, great. 5.________________.


A: Hey, Alice. 1._________________?

B: My favorite subject is art.


B: Because it is relaxing.


B: Ms Li. She is really a good teacher.

A: I see. 4._______________?

B: It's on Monday afternoon. Oh, do you like art, too?A:5.________________.

B: Why?

A: Because I think it's boring.



1. No, he isn’t.

2. Who is the girl?

3. What’s her name?

4. Where are you?

5. You’re welcome.


1.Is it your notebook? .../ Is it yours?

2.Where is he?

3.What is his telephone number?

4.I can see a picture of your family. ....

5.Thank you.


1. What class are you in?

2. Is your friend a girl?

3. No, she doesn’t.

4. Yes, she does.

5. Where does she come from?


1. Is that Amy speaking?

2. What color is it?

3. What's in it?

4. What's the telephone number?

5. You're welcome.


1. What’s this?

2. Who are they?

3. No, he isn't.

4. Who is she?

5. It's a beautiful photo.


1.Good morning.

2. Nice to meet you.

3. What’s his name?

4. What’s his family name?

5. Is he your friend?


1.What’s this?

2.Who is she?

3. Are they your parents?

4.Is she your cousin?

5. What’s her name?


1. What’s your name?

2. What color is it?

3. What’s in it?

4. What’s his telephone number?

5. Thank you.


1.Where is my eraser?

2.No, it isn’t.

3. Where is my schoolbag?

4.No, it’s not mine.

5. Thank you.


1.Sounds good.

2. Do you have them?

3. Let’s play soccer.

4. Where are they?

5.Let’s go.


1. Good morning

2.What do you like for breakfast?

3.Do you have fruit?

4. What do you like for dinner?

5.Do you like ice-cream?


1. Yes, please.

2. How about the apples?

3. Sorry, we don’t. / No, we don’t.

4. Here, you are.

5. You’re welcome.


1.Thank you.

2. How old are you?

3. When is your birthday?

4. When is it?

5. See you!


1.What’s your favorite subject?

2. Why do you like art?

3. Who is your art teacher?

4. When do you have art?

5. No, I don’t.

