印度卫生和家庭福利部周二表示,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 30,941 例新增病例和 350 例死亡。新的死亡人数将该国的总死亡人数推高至 4,38,560。
值得注意的是,在该国记录的新病例总数中,喀拉拉邦周一报告了 19,622 例增病例和 132 例死亡。
在过去的 24 小时内,该国多达 36,275 名患者从疾病中康复,使总康复人数达到 3,19,59,680。目前的康复率为 97.53%。
活跃的新冠病例数为 3,70,640,占病例总数的 1.13%。
到目前为止,测试的样本总数为 5.215亿。目前的阳性率为 2.22%。
迄今为止,印度已接种了超过 6.405 亿剂疫苗。
Jallianwala Bagh 纪念馆在新多媒体表演期间的夜景。
印度驻巴布亚新几内亚 (PNG) 大使馆否认警方声称它帮助未经授权的乘客(包括四名感染新冠病毒的人)抵达太平洋国家的首都莫尔兹比港。
The Indian embassy in Papua New Guinea (PNG) denies police claims that it helped unauthorised passengers, including four people who were infected with COVID-19, arrive in the Pacific nation’s capital, Port Moresby.
The denial on Tuesday came after PNG Police Commissioner David Manning last week banned all flights from India, accusing the Indian government of “deliberately” participating in “deception” that compromised the island nation’s safety and security. aljazeera
印度经济在本财年 4 月至 6 月季度增长了 20.1%,而去年同期则收缩了 24.4%。第一季度的大幅增长使印度成为全球增长最快的主要经济体。
印度第一季度按不变价格计算的 GDP(2011-12 年)为 323.8 亿卢比,但仍低于 2019-20 年第一季度的 356.6 亿卢比,这表明印度尚未摆脱疫情引发的衰退。
建筑业的 GVA 比上年增长 68.3%。服务业较上年同期增长 3.7%。上一季度,印度经济增长了 1.6%。在 2020-21 整个财政年度,印度的 GDP 收缩了 7.3%。
India’s economy grew by 20.1% during the April-June quarter of this financial year, as against a 24.4% contraction seen during the same period last year. The massive growth seen in the first quarter has made India the fastest-growing major economy across the globe.
India’s GDP at constant prices (2011-12) in the first quarter stood at Rs 32.38 lakh crore, however still lower than the Rs 35.66 lakh crore seen in the first quarter of 2019-20, signalling that India is yet to emerge from the covid induced slump.
The construction sector’s GVA was 68.3% higher than the previous year. The services sector grew at 3.7% from the year-ago period. In the previous quarter, India’s economy had grown by 1.6%. For the full financial year 2020-21, India’s GDP contracted by 7.3%.。 financialexpress
特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)在获准在印度生产或进口四款车型后,距离在印度正式亮相又近了一步。
Tesla Inc. is closer to making its official debut in India after it received approval to make or import four models in the South Asian nation.
Tesla has had its vehicles certified as being roadworthy in India, a posting on the website of the nation’s ministry of road transport and highways showed.
“The tests ensure the vehicle matches the requirements of the Indian market in terms of emission and safety and road worthiness,” according to the site. business-standard
Carrying his rifle down by his side, Major General Chris Donahue, commander of the storied 82nd Airborne Division, became the last US soldier to board the final flight out of Afghanistan a minute before midnight on Monday. TOI
新德里:在 2020 年迪拜世博会开幕前一个月,阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 已开始向印度游客发放签证。VFS Global 表示,从周一(8 月 30 日)开始,它“恢复了对印度人的阿联酋旅游签证服务”。
“旅行者将被要求出示在收集样本后 48 小时内和使用二维码系统的经批准的卫生服务机构签发的有效阴性新冠病毒检测证书,以及提供机场出发前6小时进行的快速 PCR 检测报告,包含二维码。前往阿联酋的游客不需要 GDRFA 或 ICA 的批准,”VFS 补充道。
NEW DELHI: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has started issuing visas to Indian tourists after reopening its borders for them a month before the mega Expo 2020 in Dubai kicks off. VFS Global said that starting Monday (August 30), it has “resumed UAE tourist visa services for Indians.”
“Travellers will be required to present a valid negative Covid-19 Test certificate issued within 48 hours from the time of collecting the sample and from an approved health service, which use the QR code System,
as well as Rapid PCR Test report conducted at the departure airport 6 hours prior to departure, provided with a QR code system. No GDRFA or ICA approval is required for tourists travelling to the UAE,” VFS added. TOI
新德里:在对房地产公司 Supertech 的重大打击中,最高法院周二指示其在诺伊达的一个住房项目中拆除另外两座 40 层高的塔楼,理由是与诺伊达当局相互勾结并该建筑违反法律。
NEW DELHI: In a major blow to real estate company Supertech, the Supreme Court on Tuesday directed it to demolish two additional 40-storey towers in one of its housing projects in Noida after holding that the construction was done in violation of law and in collusion with the Noida Authority. TOI
新德里:印度政府已批准即将到来的诺伊达国际机场 (NIA) 的总体规划,该机场将在大约三年内开始运营,每年将通过一个航站楼和一条跑道处理 120 万名乘客。
在其 40 年的特许经营期内,它将通过两条跑道和尽可能多的航站楼分四阶段扩建,达到 7 千万乘客的峰值容量。
NEW DELHI: The government has approved the master plan for the upcoming Noida International Airport (NIA) which will begin operations in about three years by handling 1.2 crore passengers annually with one terminal and a runway.
During its 40-year concession period, it will reach a peak capacity of 7 crore passengers in a four-phase expansion through two runways and as many terminals. TOI
钦奈:两轮和三轮轮胎制造商 TVS Srichakra 宣布其 Eurogrip 系列轮胎进军印度尼西亚市场。
CHENNAI: Two and three-wheeler tyre maker TVS Srichakra has announced its foray into the Indonesian market with Eurogrip range of tyres. TOI
BEIJING: China's businesses and the broader economy came under increasing pressure in August as factory activity expanded at a slower pace while the services sector slumped into contraction, raising the likelihood of more near-term policy support to boost growth.
The official manufacturing Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI) fell to 50.1 in August from 50.4 in July, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Tuesday, holding just above the 50-point mark that separates growth from contraction. TOI
Led by drugs and pharmaceuticals, India's exports from special economic Zones (SEZs) rose by 41.5 per cent on a year-on-year (YoY) basis to Rs 2.15 lakh crore in Q1FY22. business-standard