五 脏 1.心:心为神之居、血之主、脉之宗。在五行属火;生理功能 ①主血脉;②主神志;心开窍于舌,在...


五 脏

1.心:心为神之居、血之主、脉之宗。在五行属火;生理功能 ①主血脉;②主神志;心开窍于舌,在体合脉,其华在面,在志为喜,在液为汗。心与小肠相表里。




5.肾为先天之本,藏志,腰为肾之腑,在五行属水;生理功能:①藏精、主生长发育与生殖;②主水;③主纳气;在体为骨,主骨生髓,其华在发、开窍于耳及二阴(肛门 会阴),在志为恐,在液为唾,肾与膀胱相表里。




3.小肠;生理功能:主受盛和化物,是泌别清浊,“小肠主液”。 4.大肠:生理功能:传化糟粕,大肠主津。  

5.膀胱:生理功能;贮尿和排尿,依赖肾的气化功能。            6.三焦:生理功能:通行元气,总司气机和气化,为水液运行的道路。





【单选题】He is __________ to go to school. (1.0分)

【论述题】1989 年联合国环境规划署工业与环境计划活动中心(UNEP IE/PAC)根据UNEP理事会会议的决议,制订了《清洁生产计划》,在全球范围内推行清洁生产。请简述这一计划的主要内容。

【单选题】This is the only thing _____ I can do now. (1.0分)


【填空题】A man who sells things is called a ________ (selling). (1.0分)

【单选题】—__________fine day it is today! —Yes,the sunshine is__________beautiful that I'd like to go swimming in the sea. (1.0分)


【填空题】大蒜 一打 番茄酱 香料 镑 加仑 (6.0分)


【单选题】She bought a digital camera online ____she would save a lot of time. (1.0分)

【单选题】His walking stick, ____ he can’t walk, was lost yesterday. (1.0分)

【单选题】It was ________bad weather that he had to stay at home. (1.0分)

【填空题】It is ________(doubt) whether he will come. (1.0分)


【填空题】It was obvious that all this information was far from enough to ___________ (satisfaction) him. (1.0分)

【填空题】We are ___________ (hope) that we shall win the championship. (1.0分)


【单选题】Miss Gao asked a question, but it was__________that nobody could answer it. (1.0分)


【单选题】There are three libraries in our school, _______ were built five years ago. (1.0分)

【单选题】下列说法中正确的是( ) (2.0分)



【填空题】My house is in a very quiet street, so I can work here without any _____________(disturb). (1.0分)

【单选题】They have decided to finish their work, ______ I think is a wise choice. (1.0分)

【其它】上传2018. 12 级 测评结果统计表 (2.0分)

【填空题】Seeing that he was working ____________ (silence) in the room, I left on tiptoe at once. (1.0分)

【填空题】The weather was good except for an _________ (occasion) shower. (1.0分)

【单选题】Those _____ to take part in the game write down your names. (1.0分)

【论述题】材料题2 材料题 2.docx

【单选题】I don’t like the way _____ he spoke to me. (1.0分)

【填空题】If he had been __________(care), he would not have fallen from the ladder. (1.0分)


【判断题】在闭区间上连续的函数一定在此区间上取到最大值和最小值。 (1.0分)

【填空题】U1根据意思写单词 objects made with precious stones and used for decoration a long seat, usually made of wod normal or average, and not different or special someon e whose job is to receive or give money to let out a breath, expressing relief, sadness or tiredness painting, drawing or photograh or a person (6.0分)

【单选题】Which of the two cows ______ you keep produces more milk? (1.0分)

【连线题】Match the Missing Person with the description. (4.0分)

【填空题】Thunder and lightning happen ______________ (simultaneous) (1.0分)

【单选题】Is this factory ____ we visited last week. (1.0分)

【单选题】This is the reason ______ he told me. (1.0分)




【单选题】To my surprise,he could get over ____ difficult problems that he succeeded at last. (1.0分)

【填空题】The managers listened to the ___________ (complain) from the customers patiently. (1.0分)

【单选题】He told me the reason _____ he didn’t come here. (1.0分)

【论述题】材料题 1 材料题1.docx



