“爱经”之都,如今却“谈性色变”? by 小婧儿
先说个笑话。“印度神油”的鼎鼎大名相信大家都不陌生。一位来印度出差的哥们便想买瓶回家,在商场转了半天,各色精油瓶子琳琅满目,就是没找到大力“神油”。他寻思着这玩意是不是像计生用品,有专门的商店售卖,于是打了一辆TUTU,让司机带他去找。印度小伙倒是三下五除二就给他拉到了所谓的“Indian Oil”——全印着名的连锁加油站。

“神油”绝对是子虚乌有(当然也没准在市场推动下,三哥们真的开发出这款产品),但古印度在性事上的研究确实非常辉煌:作为世界自然文化遗产的阿旃陀石窟(Ajanta Caves),克久拉霍神庙建筑群(Khajuraho),那些性爱浮雕不仅姿势繁多,而且种类万千:一对多,多对多,男女、男男,人兽,人神,超乎你的想象;还有闻名世界的《爱经》(Kama Sutra),那画面太美不敢直视,其中最经典的一幅:一位男士分别用他的左右手、左右脚、嘴巴和下部满足了六位女士,得意洋洋,六位女士也是花颜悦色,沉浸其中。



In spite of the fact that India is the birthplace of the Kama Sutra and home to many explicit sculptures like the ones in Khajuraho and Konark, sex continues to be a subject that is pushed under the carpet. Why?
Answer 1:
India has 1.2 billion people. You cannot make people without sex. The ancient culture of sexual liberalism in India is a source for western free love movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Ours used to be a very open society till the invaders came to India. Muslim produced a veil system and puritanical attitude(清规戒律) to sex even within marriage and the home. Conservative Christian imperial powers are also to an extent responsible for this degradation of culture.

Answer 2:
It can be attributed to two of the major invasions that we suffered - the invasion by Islamic forces which brought culture of purdah for women(深闺制度) and the colonial era British Raj.
· Victorian values stigmatized Indian sexual liberalism
· The pluralism of Hinduism, and its liberal attitudes were condemned as 'barbaric' and proof of inferiority of the East
· The effects of British education, administration, scholarship of Indian history and biased literature all led to the effective 'colonization of the Indian mind' with European values
· This led some Indians wanting to conform their religious practices and moral values to Victorian ideas of "high" civilization

Answer 3:
In modern India, the S-word has been banished to the closet. Sexologist Prakash Kothari attributes this swing to Islamic and British influences which spawned a new, somewhat prudish, moral code in India.
“When Muslims arrived, Hindus perceived them a threat to their culture. As a result, the Brahminical class became more influential as keepers of Hindu purity against Islamic influences. The emphasis on rituals increased. The advent of the British and Victorian prudery only deepened our obsession with ritualistic purity. In the process, sex became a dirty word. “
“On the other hand, there has always been a dynamic balance between the erotic(色欲的)and the ascetic(禁欲的) in the Indian context. From the fourth to the tenth century, the erotic was markedly dominant in Indian society. Then the ascetic trait became dominant. In our times, the erotic has been in the forefront since the '60s. This cycle will go on.”
“The younger generation is demanding more and more information about sex. Media columns, agony aunts, public debates and judicial verdicts are putting things in perspective and breaking the prevailing mystique about sex. Attitudes on sexual matters are changing fast.”

Answer 4:
The oldest well recorded event in Indian history is rise of Mahapadmananda to throne in 350 BCE. It is true that India was much more liberal when it comes to Sex. Sex had his own God and Goddess called Kamadev and Rati. Shiva's marriage with Parvati was a love marriage. Draupadi is one of the most respected woman despite being in Polyandrous relationship.
While married women had very high standards of loyalty, men could get into sexual relationships of any kind including those that did not require any official marriage bond. For example the story of Parashar and MatsyaGandha or Arjun and Ulupi.
Unmarried women could freely approach men with sexual desire in mind. The way Devyani went after Kacha or Shurpanakha approached Ram.
If you consider the folklore then you will find it even more verbose. I have attended some tribal songs where songs narrated how Radha's breasts were not contained by "kanchuki" (Cloth for covering breasts) and how shy she felt when Krishna unwrapped it.

Answer 5:
Buddhist monks were supposed to be celibates(禁欲的). This certainly affected people in many ways. Vinaya Pitaka (佛教广律)school of thought in buddhism put sever restrictions on sexuality of monks very similar to the Christian world.
But hinduism itself embraces sex, pleasure, and all things worldly as well as spiritual, and so this should be relatively easy to correct - not more than a generation or two I would guess.