第二节 提高篇:巧用状语从句
第一部分 遣词造句 巩固基础——第三章 应用了较多的语法结构之
第二节 提高篇: 巧用状语从句

1. I’ll help you read and understand the selected poems _______ we have a discussion of them.(2017课标I)
2. _____ it is convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.(2016课标Ⅲ)
3. We can set out early ________ we will have more time to read and select books.(2016课标Ⅲ)
4. We lost the game, _______ everyone played well.(广东)
5. _______ the paper is scheduled to come out early July, please send your work to me via this email before 28th of June.(2015课标Ⅰ)
1. I were an animal in the wildlife park. People kept photographing with me. I would feel annoyed.(广东)
2. You keep on trying. You will surely succeed. (广东)
3. The Internet is of great help. I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. (山东)
4. My study becomes much more difficult. I have to work much harder.(广东)
5. I came back. I suddenly realized that I had left my English dictionary behind at your place.(2014陕西)
6. I would first like to know its start date, the size of a class and hours per week. I can decide if it is the type I want to have.(2014课标Ⅰ)
He ____________________________________________ he could hardly speak.
____________________________________, we’ll wait for you at the school gate at 9 in the morning.
3. 另外,我会告诉他你长得什么样,以便你们可以容易地找到对方。(2013课标I)
Besides, I will tell him what you look like ________________________________________________.
4. 每当我在英语学习上遇到困难时,你是我首先要求助的人。(2019年6月浙江)
___________________________________________________, you are the one that I will turn to first.
5. 妈妈一睁开眼睛,双胞胎就喊起来“母亲节快乐!”(2021新高考I)
___________________________________________, the twins yelled, “Happy Mother’s Day!”

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