



亲吻的第一次记载,要回溯到公元前 1,500 年,吠陀教时期的印度。四本古老的印度教经文,以梵文描绘了亲吻。据信这是亲吻第一次载入史册。这些经文将接吻描述为“吮吸唇瓣之露”。印度古籍《爱经》以情爱为主题,闻名世界,其中就列出了 30 多种亲吻方式。

You have to travel back in time to 1,500 B.C. in Vedic India to read about the first kiss. Four ancient Hindu scriptures, written in Sanskrit, mention kissing: it is considered the first ever mention of locking lips in history. The smooch is described as "drinking moisture of the lips" in the scriptures. World-famous Indian erotica the Kama Sutra lists over 30 types of kisses.


拍摄于 1896 年的电影《吻》片如其名,由加拿大男演员梅·欧文和约翰·C·赖斯主演。这部总长度为 23 秒的默片由发明家托马斯·爱迪生制作而成,开创了先河。

长达 58 小时 35 分钟 58 秒的亲吻

对,你没有看错。2013 年的情人节,一对泰国夫妇创造了亲吻最久的世界记录。Ekkachai 和 Laksana Tiranarat 夫妇俩(如图)参加了里普利的“信不信由你”大赛,并打破了记录。

Yes, you read that right. A Thai couple set the world record for the longest kiss on Valentine’s Day in 2013. Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat, a husband-wife duo (pictured), participated in the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not competition and broke all the previous records.


《口腔生物学档案》中一项 2012 年的研究发现,会导致牙龈疾病的细菌可能在人与狗之间传播。日本研究人员从 81 名男女及其 66 只宠物狗那里收集了牙菌斑样本。犬科动物和人类口腔中的菌群并不相同,但在 13 个人身上发现了一种狗常有但人类没有的细菌,并且这些人的狗都有这种细菌,不过其中 2 人报告说他们几乎不与狗接触。

A 2012 study in the Archives of Oral Biology found that people and dogs can transfer bacteria that cause gum diseases. Researchers in Japan collected specimens of dental plaque from 81 men and women and their 66 pet dogs. Canine and human mouths had varying bacterial profiles, but one type of bacteria common in dogs but not humans was found in 13 people whose dogs also had it, although two of them reported having little contact with their dogs.


亲吻人类可能与亲吻宠物一样危险,特别是母亲与孩子之间的亲吻:多项研究发现,母亲和孩子身上都有会导致蛀牙的链球菌,而这并非偶然。学龄前儿童带有越多这种细菌,其罹患蛀牙的概率也越高。回顾了《儿童牙科》杂志中 46 项研究后发现,儿童身上的这些细菌主要是经由母亲的唾液传播而来,特别是那些携带较多细菌的母亲。

Kissing humans may be just as risky as kissing pets, especially when it comes to moms and their children: Multiple studies have found a link between the presence of the cavity-causing bacteria streptococci in moms and their kids. Preschool kids with high levels of the bacteria have a higher prevalence of cavities. A review of the 46 studies in the journal Pediatric Dentistry found that mothers’ saliva is the primary source of transmission of these bacteria in children, especially in moms with high levels.


毋庸置疑,与缺乏身体接触的婴儿相比,被爱围绕的婴儿更健康、更快乐。迈阿密大学医学院的触感研究所所长 Tiffany Field 博士说:“亲吻婴儿,以及由此传达的爱意,都有利于婴儿成长”。Field 博士的研究表明,母亲越是抚摸和触碰婴儿,孩子成长得就越好。

Of course, babies who are smothered with love are healthier and happier than those who experience minimal physical contact. “Kissing a baby, and all the affection that goes with it, helps a baby grow,” says Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami Medical School. Field’s research has shown that the more grooming and physical contact a baby receives from the mother, the greater the growth of the child.


虽然口腔里满是病菌,但俗话说得好,“所有杀不死你(或者不会让你得蛀牙)的东西,都会让你更强大”。《生理与行为》杂志中,一项 2003 年的研究发现,亲吻可以提高对过敏原的抵抗力。研究人员调查了 60 名患有皮肤或鼻腔过敏(过敏性鼻炎和特应性皮炎)的人。另外还将 30 名没有过敏的人作为对照组。研究人员观察到,亲吻后,不患过敏的人没有发生任何变化,但鼻腔和皮肤反应症状,却在患有过敏的人群中减少了。由此他们得出了结论:“这种表达爱意的直接方式可能确实有益,它可能会减轻过敏性反应。”

OK, so mouths are filled with germs. But what doesn’t kill you — or give you cavities — makes you stronger. A 2003 study in Physiology & Behavior found that kissing can improve resistance to allergic triggers. Researchers studied 60 people with skin or nasal allergies — allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. An additional 30 subjects without allergies were a control group. While the nonallergic subjects experienced no changes from kissing, it was observed that in allergic subjects, kissing reduced some nasal and skin reactions, causing the researchers to conclude: “The direct action of love may be beneficial, which may in turn reduce allergic responses.”


亲吻无法增强柔韧性,但可能帮助你达到与瑜伽或冥想相同的放松效果。亚利桑那州立大学在 2009 年进行了一项研究,以六周为期,要求 52 名成人将亲吻作为生活重心,不仅要花更多时间与配偶或同居伴侣接吻,而且还要更频繁。使用权威心理压力量表进行测量后发现,与那些没有亲吻的对照组相比,频繁接吻后,人们的压力水平显著降低了。而且毫无意外的,接吻还让人们从情侣关系中获得了更大的满足感。

Kissing may not make you flexible, but it may produce the same reported relaxing effect as yoga or meditation. A 2009 study at Arizona State University asked 52 adults to spend six weeks making kissing a priority in their lives by increasing the amount of time and frequency spent smooching their spouse or live-in partner. Compared with a non-kissing control group, the kissers showed significant decreases in levels of stress as measured by a validated psychological stress scale. Not surprisingly, the kissers also showed improvements in their levels of relationship satisfaction.


要想接吻顺利,人们需要稍微倾斜头部,以避免鼻子碰撞。而人类的生理结构可能生来就是为了在亲吻中倾斜而生的。爱尔兰研究人员发现,80% 的夫妻在亲吻时都向右倾。在 2006 年的一项研究中,他们还发现大约 77% 的人在亲吻洋娃娃时也会向右倾。

Smooth kissing requires a slight tilt of the head to avoid noses clashing. And humans may be hardwired to lean in a way that facilitates this smooth union. Irish researchers found that 80 percent of kissing couples turned to the right. In a 2006 study, they also found that around 77 percent also turned right when kissing a doll.


事先说明:初吻很有可能成为最后一吻。奥尔巴尼纽约州立大学的心理学家 Gordon Gallup Jr. 博士对将近 200 名男女进行了调查。大多数人报告说,虽然他们一开始对某人有好感,但在与其初次接吻后,这种好感就消失了。女性比男性更挑剔,66% 的女性报告说初吻后,她们就彻底没兴趣了,而男性中只有 59% 如此认为。

Be forewarned: the first kiss can very well be the last. Psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr., Ph.D., at the State University of New York in Albany, surveyed nearly 200 men and women. The majority reported having experienced that after the first kiss with someone they were initially attracted to, the chemistry wore off. The women were pickier than men, with 66 percent reporting that the first kiss could be a turn-off, compared with 59 percent of the men.


2007 年对年轻人的一项调查显示,虽然男性更倾向于将接吻视为亲热的前奏,但他们同时也认为,与长期伴侣亲热后接吻能让关系更加紧密。据信,这是由于一种激素 — 催产素,刺激加强了互相间的感情。“这是爱的激素,催产素水平越高,爱的能力越强,”《爱的生物学》作者,心理治疗师 Arthur Janov 博士解释说,“我们发现,那些无法投入恋爱关系的人,催产素水平也较低。”

Although men were more likely to see kissing as a prelude to sex, according to a 2007 survey of young adults, they felt a stronger bond was created from post-coital smooching if it was with a long-term partner. Feelings of connectedness are thought to intensify due to the stimulation of the hormone oxytocin. “This is the hormone of love, and the better the oxytocin levels, the more capacity for love,” explains psychotherapist Arthur Janov, Ph.D., author of “The Biology of Love”. “We have found that those who cannot commit in a love relationship are low in oxytocin.”


80 年代的一项研究显示,经常亲吻妻子的男性(尤其是离家上班前)要比单身男士长寿 5 年。该研究强调,这些男性的压力水平较低、更少发生事故,也更少在工作中产生争论。妻子重如生命,果然没错。

A 1980s’ study showed that men who kissed their wives more often and, especially while going to work, lived five years longer than their single counterparts. The research highlighted that such men had lower levels of stress, fewer accidents and fewer arguments at work. Wife is life, eh?


当情侣接吻时,他们与奖励和成瘾相关的大脑区域会兴奋起来。罗格斯大学的研究人员让男女观看他们深爱的伴侣的照片,同时扫描其大脑。在“美国科学促进会”2009 年会议举办的亲吻座谈会上,该项研究的首席调查员 Helen Fisher 博士解释了该项研究发现:“亲吻可能已经进化为一种手段,与性冲动、爱情和情感联系有关的大脑系统会受到亲吻的刺激,从而激励人类到处寻找可能成为配偶的对象,然后聚焦于一人并选定其为配偶,最后与其磨合共存直到相伴生子。”

The brain areas linked to reward and addiction light up when couples lock lips. Rutgers University researchers conducted brain scans of women and men while they looked at pictures of partners with whom they reported being deeply in love. Lead investigator of the study, Helen Fisher, Ph.D., explained the findings of the research at a symposium on kissing held at a 2009 meeting at the American Association for the Advancement of Science: "Kissing may have evolved as a way to stimulate brain systems associated with sex drive, romantic love and attachment so that humans are triggered to seek a variety of potential mates, then focus attention on one for mating, and finally be able to tolerate that mate long enough to raise a child as a team."


大多数人都喜欢亲吻,但 2012 年的《澳大利亚和新西兰精神病学杂志》中,精神病学家描述了一位表现出强迫性亲吻行为的年轻男性,据信,这是此种强迫症的第一例已知案例。这名 18 岁少年表现出重复性亲吻行为,研究人员得出的结论为:他的大脑在某个区域存在缺陷(智商水平低),这可能就是病因所在。

Most people enjoy kissing, but psychiatrists in 2012 in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry reported on what is thought to be the first known case of obsessive compulsive disorder where a young man displayed compulsive kissing behavior. The 18-year-old exhibited repetitive kissing and researchers concluded that deficits in an area of the brain (with low baseline intelligence) may have influenced the psychopathology.



A kiss packs such a wallop because lips are jam-packed with neurons and have among the most densely populated allotment of sensory neurons anywhere in the body. When the somatosensory receptors on nerves in the lips are stimulated by the touch of other lips, sebum in saliva is released by sebaceous glands around the nose and lips. Sebum contains pheromones that let the partners pick on their mate’s biological make-up that could turn them on or off.


亲吻让人喘不过气、神魂颠倒,难道仅是浪漫小说中的情节吗?可能并非如此。医疗保健问题博客撰写人,获得专业认证的内科医生 Jan Gurley 博士是这么说的:“情绪在性行为中发挥着重要作用,研究表明,可能并非总是需要身体接触,才能达到性高潮,因为不同的女性唤起性兴趣的方式也不同。”

Are kisses that leave you gasping and swooning only the stuff of romance novels? They may not be - Dr. Jan Gurley, a board-certified internist who blogs about health-care issues, says: “Emotions play a powerful role in sexual desire, and research shows that physical touch may not always be required when it comes to orgasms, since women vary in their capacity for sexual arousal.”



Scientists claim our kissing instincts developed from genes passed down by mice. According to researchers, an ancient rodent species known as Eomaia scansoria rubbed noses to check its partners' compatibility!


巴厘岛有一种推崇亲吻的传统仪式,称为 Omed Omedan。印度尼西亚登巴萨的一个名为 Banjar Kaja Sesetan 的村庄里,每年都举行这种仪式,人们认为它会带来繁荣和幸运。

Known as Omed Omedan, this traditional Balinese ritual celebrates kissing. Held annually in a village called Banjar Kaja Sesetan, in Denpasar, Indonesia, it is believed to bring prosperity and luck.



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