have been to、gone to和been in到底有何差别?



《新概念英语》经典版第一册第89课里出现了have been to和have gone to的用法。其实,还有一种常用的表达,即:have been in。这三者之间到底存在什么差别?下面我们就来梳理梳理。

一、have been To

have been to主要用来表示我们去过某地,但人已经回来,离开之前所去的地方了(We use have been to to say that we went somewhere and came back and that we are not there anymore.)。


I have been to Paris before, and I can tell you that it’s an amazing city. (“我”已回来)

My brother has been to Venice. I am sure he can give us some advice about where to eat or where to stay. (“我兄弟”去过威尼斯,但人已经回来)


当后接副词时,have been to中的介词to要省略。


正确:I have never been abroad.

错误:I have never been to abroad.

二、have gone To

have gone to主要用来表示我们去了某地,但人还未回到说话的地方(We use have gone to to say that we went somewhere and we are still there.)。


A: Where is your brother, Tom?

B: He has gone to the conveniece store. He will be back soon.


1、一般来说,have gone to不能用于第一人称,单数和复数形式都不可以(As you can understand, we cannot use subject pronouns (I and We) with "gone to" as it wouldn't make sense to ask someone if he / she is somewhere else or in front of us.)。如:

I have been to London. (我去过伦敦,人一回来)

I have gone to London. (我去了伦敦,人还未回来。)

2、但是,在特定的场合下,have gone to也能用于第一人称。比如:


“Hmmm, where is she? She is normally here.”


"Hi, dear. I've gone to the store."

从上面的例子中可以看出,男人的妻子是站在她丈夫的角度出发来留便条的,等到男人回来时,她已经离开去商店买东西了,属于“去了未回”的情况,所以用了have gone to。

3、此外,have gone to有时也可以与一段时间连用,表示某人已经去了某地多长时间了。如:

They've gone to the US for two months.

上面的例句意思是:他们已经去了美国,但人还没有回来,而且已经在美国待了两个月了。虽然go本身是短暂性动词,按理不能与一段时间连用,但此处的go to some place其实并没有强调时间概念,而不是表达某人去了某地的状态,所以可以与一段时间连用。这句话相当于:

They have gone to the US and have stayed there for two months.

三、have been In

have been in主要用来表示我们在某地已经呆了多长时间(We use have been in to give information about how long we have been somewhere.)。


A: How long have you been in California?

B: I have been in San Francisco for six years and never thought of going back to my homeland.


She has been in Beijing for three days.

此时不能用have been to,因为她还没回到上海。但是,这种情况下可以用have gone to,即:

She has gone to Beijing.


用been to、gone to和been in填空:

1. I have never __________ America.

2. I can't believe he's __________ the party without telling me.

3. Fred and Wilma have __________ Bedrock since they were born.

4. Ross says he has __________ Rome, but I don't believe him.

5. Loyd says he has __________ Egypt, but I don't believe him. Let's call him to check.

6. We have __________ an accident before, but no one got injured.

7. We have __________ Athens before, we might go again this summer.

8. Don't wait for Kate. She has __________ London.

9. I have never __________ Paris, but I had a flight transfer there once.

10. I have __________ San Francisco; it is a beautiful city.



