


The anterior column extends from the pubic symphysis, along the superior pubic ramus, across the acetabulum to the anterior part of the ilium. On the x-ray it is shown in profile by the iliopectineal line in the oblique view. Anterior column fractures are uncommon, do not involve the weightbearing area and have a good prognosis.

The posterior column extends from the ischium, across the posterior aspect of the acetabular socket to the sciatic notch and the posterior part of the innominate bone. In an iliac oblique x-ray it is seen in profile as the ilioischial line. A posterior column fracture usually runs upwards from the obturator foramen into the sciatic notch, separating the posterior ischiopubic column of bone and breaking the weightbearing part of the acetabulum. It is usually associated with a posterior dislocation of the hip and may injure the sciatic nerve. Treatment is more urgent and usually involves internal fixation to obtain a stable joint.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


profile /ˈproʊfaɪl/n. 侧面;轮廓;外形;剖面;简况

iliopectineal line 髂耻线

Anterior column fractures are uncommon, do not involve the weightbearing area and have a good prognosis.前柱骨折不常见,不累及负重区,预后良好。

ischium /'ɪskɪəm/n. [解剖] 坐骨

sciatic /saɪˈætɪk/adj. 坐骨的;坐骨神经的;髋部的

notch /nɑːtʃ/n. 刻痕,凹口;等级;峡谷vt. 赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕

sciatic notch 坐骨切迹

innominate/ɪˈnɑːmənɪt/adj. 无名的;匿名的

ilioischial line.髂腰线

obturator foramen闭孔

obturator  /'ɔbtjuəreitə/n. 闭孔肌adj. 闭孔肌的,闭孔的

foramen/fə'reimen/n. [生物] 孔,[生物] 小孔;胚孔


sciatic nerve坐骨神经







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