【高考必背 话题语汇】话题21 科普知识






话题21 科 普 知 识


1. scientific     adj.科学的

2. technology     n.技术;工艺

3. convenience     n.方便

4. conclude     vi.推断出;结束

5. increasingly     adv. 渐增地

6. software     n.软件

7. popular     adj.流行的;受欢迎的

8. enthusiastic     adj.热情的

9. crazy     adj.疯狂的;沉迷的

10. advantage     n.优点

11. challenge     n. 挑战

12. mouse     n.老鼠;鼠标

13. mentally      adv. 精神上

14. netizen     n.网民

15. physically     adv. 身体上

16. positive     adj.积极的;肯定的

17. link     vt. & n.连接;联系

18. surf     v. 冲浪


1. with the development of     随着…的发展

2. draw a conclusion     得出结论

3. be to blame     应该受责备

4. in addition     也,另外,此外

5. shop on the Internet     网购

6. lead to     导致,通向

7. send messages     发信息

8. apart from     除……之外

9. contribute to     为……做贡献或捐款; 有助于

10. mobile phone     手机

11. be enthusiastic about     对……热情

12. be strict with sb     对某人要求严格

13. physical products     实物

14. broaden our knowledge     开阔视野

15. be absorbed in     专注于……

16. online shop    网店

17. information products     信息产品

18. open 24 hours a day     24小时营业

19. be available     可以利用的

20. become addicted to     对……上瘾


1. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.

有些孩子对洋快餐迷恋到了极点, 一有机会就要去吃。

2. The sites are mainly used to trade physical products, such as  clothes and books.

这些网站主要从事实物交易, 例如服装和书籍。

3. Bicycles in all sizes, colours and designs are available from stock.


4. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.


5. Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience.


6. Tourism can enrich our knowledge and broaden our view.



Born in  Milan, Ohio on February 11th,  1847, Thomas Edison was fond of reading and using his head, but none of his subjects were satisfying. Therefore, all the teachers thought it useless to spend time and energy on him.As a child, he showed such a strong interest in science that he set up a lab on his own, in which he could do many experiments. Actually, he had about 2000 inventions in all his life, among which the most famous were electric light and phonograph. Thomas Edison, after devoting all his life to the study of science, passed away on October 18th,  1931.


