Alina Tsaunya|简约原木风,让家更有温度!


这栋复式公寓是是设计师Alina Tsaunya的新作品,她将白色和原木色进行搭配,流畅的线条下发挥出了别样的舒适感和放松,为顾客带来居家的快乐体验。

This duplex apartment is the new work of designer Alina Tsaunya. She mixes white and natural wood colors, and the smooth lines play a different kind of comfort and relaxation, bringing customers a happy experience at home.


The spacious living room uses pure white as the main tone, with a metal chandelier to show the exquisite and luxurious beauty, reflecting the aesthetics of space. The large square floor-to-ceiling windows perfectly introduce light and beautiful scenery into the room, bringing a bright and transparent feeling of light.


The restaurant and kitchen next to it have added elements of white marble walls to increase the light and luxurious texture, meet the visual needs, and have a full sense of beauty. The metal chandelier is a bit more refined, and the log dining table follows the uniform style, which fully interprets the geometric beauty through minimalism.


The porch is still a small space surrounded by wood, matched with a wooden chair with a sense of design, and infused with artistic language, laying a calm and atmospheric atmosphere for the minimalist environment inside.


The master bedroom is a mixture of minimalist style and light luxury style. White marble is used to create a partition baffle to bring hierarchy to the master bedroom space. The small wooden cloakroom enhances the texture and level of the space. The floor-to-ceiling windows on the entire surface meet the visual needs, expand the entire field of vision, and create the most comfortable and relaxing resting space for customers.


The pure white main bathroom uses a high ceiling design to extend the vision and add texture to the space. Symmetrical sinks show the beauty of symmetrical space. White marble creates a sense of luxury. At the same time, the layout of separation of dry and wet is just right, creating a refined living atmosphere.


The children's room adds a pink color, and at the same time, it is equipped with a staircase to maximize a larger playground area for children, creating an innocent and childlike atmosphere.

About. Alina Tsaunya

Alina Tsaunya来自俄罗斯,是一位室内设计师。她的设计充满独特的个人魅力,精巧自然,充满人文关怀,她的作品宁静而温暖。她善于从生活之中发现美,并融入到自己的创作中。

Alina Tsaunya comes from Russia and is an interior designer. Her designs are full of unique personal charm, exquisite and natural, full of humanistic care, and her works are quiet and warm. She is good at discovering beauty in life and integrating it into her own creations.




内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignJapan

撰文 Writer :Rita     排版 Editor:Fin

图片版权 Copyright :Alina Tsaunya





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