本文由 HWA安琦道尔景观 授权mooool发表
Thanks HWA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by HWA and ChangLei studio.
HWA安琦道尔: 项目位于杭州市重点打造的“未来科技城”,文一西路发展轴和02省道城市发展轴上,介于未来科技城核心与南湖绿心之间,区位优势十分明显。根据2018 年杭州未来科技城整体规划布局,项目基地为新增重点区域。基地10KM 范围内毗邻多个自然景观( 南湖公园,西溪湿地,良褚,西湖景区),生态景观资源优越。临近地铁5号线金星站及3号线城际铁路站,多条地铁路线相邻,交通便捷。
HWA: The project is located in the city development focus, “Future Science and Technology City”, on the development axis of Wenyi West Road and Provincial Highway 02, between the core of the future Science and Technology City and the green heart of Nanhu Lake, which has a supreme location advantage. According to the overall planning of Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City in 2018, the project site is a newly added key area and is adjacent to multiple natural landscapes (Nanhu Park, Xixi Wetland, Liangchu, Xihu Scenic Area) within 10KM, with superior ecological landscape resources. It is close to Metro Line 5 Jinxing Station and Metro Line 3 Intercity Railway Station. Many subway lines are adjacent to each other and the traffic is convenient.
▼鸟瞰图 aerial view
The corporate headquarters and industrial park project is based on the design concept of “Driven by the double-ring, gathering the future”. “Double-ring” is a core inner ring composed of four courtyards with the headquarters as the core, and an ecologically active outer ring composed of the first and second phases of the industrial park and the riverfront landscape belt. “Double-ring” is closely linked to creating an open and sharing, green and ecological, interactively intelligent, efficient, and smart landscape, leading the future of the innovative technology industry.
The inner courtyard constructs the inner ring space of the headquarters. The design inspiration comes from the surrounding environment. It is divided into four themed courtyards: future courtyard, water courtyard, mountain courtyard, and sky courtyard. The design of the industrial park is mainly based on the time using the period and space utilization method of the site. Through the analysis of the time behavior of the users, the landscape design needs to provide internal personnel with functions of semi-private space including outdoor lunches, outdoor meetings, sports and fitness, events, and friend relaxation.
▼总平面图(内环)inner loop of masterplan
未来庭院Future courtyard
As a connection to the main entrance, the future courtyard on the east side is designed as a multi-functional central plaza for crowd distribution. The plaza can also be used to organize events. We connect the ground and the building facade with the corporate logo, highlighting the Internet corporate culture and creating a sense of science and technology. The Friendship Courtyard on the right serves the conference hall, extending the conference communication function from indoor to outdoor. The future courtyard is mainly hardscape area, with partial planting.
▼未来庭院平面图&剖面图Future courtyard plan & section
水庭院Water Court
The water court on the south side is close to the river channel of Shanhe port, so that water becomes the theme. The restaurant on the west side of the courtyard and the gymnasium on the east side have been benefited from the outdoor space. The waterfront platform, outdoor sports field, and mirrored water feature form a dynamic and static, balanced courtyard space. The floating island lotus pond and jumping spring mist sprays enhance the atmosphere of the site, which makes the users happy and relaxes moderately to reduce stress and improve work efficiency.
▼水庭院平面图&剖面图water court plan & section
山庭院Mountain Court
The courtyard on the west side takes the shape of Maanshan Mountain. The courtyard on the first floor and the second-floor platform is built uniformly. The 5.5m height difference between the second floor and the first floor is used to design a leisure wooden amphitheater to enrich the space level and create a variety of spatial experiences. The mountain courtyard is full of natural elements, such as rainwater habitats, ecological green slopes, original stone benches combined with wooden platforms, adding nature to busy work.
▼山庭院平面图&剖面图mountain court plan & section
天空庭院Sky courtyard
The sky courtyard on the north side is facing south to have good daylight and is mainly used for outdoor meetings. The lightweight corridor connects three outdoor meeting rooms in series. Two mirror pools are designed to separate the central conference area and the building corridor to ensure the privacy of the meeting room. Wetland green islands are designed in the mirror pool to create a peaceful original ecological atmosphere. The fire evacuation space on both sides of the courtyard is built based on the function of the adjacent building space to design a space composed of a relaxation platform under plantings and outdoor café. This area is divided through the height difference to enrich the multi-level space experience.
▼天空庭院平面图&剖面图sky courtyard plan & section
The open plaza is the main element that constitutes the outer ring of ecological vitality. The Outer Ring Industrial Park is different from the main private headquarters park and needs to be more open to attract companies to settle in. The landscape design of the park focuses on the relationship with the building function and provides diverse use spaces such as small spaces suitable for communication, relatively open event spaces for sharing, large event square spaces, and private corporate gardens.
▼总平面图(外环)outer loop of masterplan
The enterprise plaza and SMART green space have a central multi-functional flash lawn that can be used for leisure and small-scale activities. Orange Island can be used for lunch and leisure, outdoor negotiation. Green Island is an outdoor garden and beautifies the environment. The outdoor space is small and full of activities, with various functions and flexible combinations.
▼SMART平面图&剖面图plan & section of SMART
The enclosed space led by the sunken garden and the central waterscape of SMART Greenland Plaza provides a semi-private resting place for the open plaza. The platforms under plantings on both sides serve as outdoor leisure dining spaces, strengthening the sense of place and enhancing the charm of the site.
MEDIA Enterprise Square is connected to the main entrance of the first phase of the industrial park. To ensure the function of passing and assembly, the main square is mainly hardscape. The wooden platforms on both sides of the entrance plaza are designed to be suitable for users to sit on outdoor furniture of two scales and can be used as an outdoor lunch bar or a team outdoor meeting. The two sides are combined with planting through leisure benches. The interactive jumping spring water feature in the center of the plaza can be used for festival performances and interactive games and is the core highlight of the entrance space.
▼MEDIA平面图&剖面图plan & section of MEDIA
The sunken lawn of MEDIA Greenland Plaza is the focal point, and leisure-dining spaces of various scales are reserved on both sides. The overall spatial scale is larger than the SMART Plaza to accommodate more people to gather. The spatial temperament color matching is quieter and the spatial relationship is more complete to meet the needs of shared space.
LIVELY Plaza located in the second phase of the Industrial Park can be used to host large events. In addition to the distribution function, the plaza divides the multi-scale space through the arrangement of outdoor furniture and the adjustment of the height difference. The flexible layout not only meets the leisure functions required by users during work hours but also provides a sports place for them. As a place for leisure activities, LIVELY Plaza can be used for commercial promotion and sales, outdoor performances, and leisure picnics. As a sports court, the plaza serves as a temporary outdoor stadium and daylight yoga site.
▼LIVELY平面图&剖面图plan & section of LIVELY
Unlike other open and public spaces, LUXURY solo enterprise gardens tend to be high-end and quiet. Enclosing hedges guarantees the privacy of the inner courtyard of the garden and provides space for outdoor meetings and business negotiations.
▼鸟瞰图aerial view
方案设计:HWA 安琦道尔&常磊工作室(常磊、谢涵、李敏智、齐美玲)
Client: Hangzhou famous Internet technology company
Scheme Design: HWA & Chang Lei Studio ( Lei Chang, Han Xie, Minzhi Li , Meiling Qi)
Site area: 232,961㎡
Landscape area: 200,935㎡
Expected completion time: 2023
Text: HWA & Chang Lei Studio