

















English Version

Ode to Xiamen

Tr. Wu Haohao

Five Mounts high white clouds are floating around.

Beneath lush trees, an islet seems to hide.

Willows are dancing by the river wide.

Ships sail, for Taiwan they seem to be bound.

Pilgrims worship and Zhu Xi’s followers pray.

Breezes are bringing forth aroma of flowers.

Operas heard,music performed for hours.

Bric nations meet at a city of sunray.


Five Mounts are located north to Nanputuo Temple. With clouds floating around the mountain tops, Five Mounts look like five old men with white hair and beards. Each day they stand there, watching the tide rushing in and out of Xiamen Island.

Dongxi River and Xixi River, which are main source of water for citizens, wind their way across Xiamen. Trees along both sides of the rivers are lush green. Gulangyu Island is west to Taiwan. The ships sailing across the Taiwan Strait are knitting a family bond between people in both the mainland and Taiwan. People greet each other in Minnan dialect, an accent which originated in Quanzhou. When the song—"Waves of Gulangyu Island"— is sung, people would be moved to tears.

The bougainvillea, or “triangle plum” literally, is the city flower of Xiamen. They are bright red, with a prolonged florescence. It can be seen everywhere in such a warm island like Xiamen. At the Xiangshan Mount, there sits the Xiangshanyan Temple. It is such a grand and splendid temple that it attracts worshipers from both the locality and other parts of China. The mountain is where Zhu Xi (October 18, 1130 – April 23, 1200), a Chinese philosopher, politician, and writer of the Song dynasty, spent his leisure hours with his friends. In memory of Zhu Xi, emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty built a temple named Lord Wen’s Temple or Xiangshan Academy during his reign around 1436-1449. Nowadays literati from all over the world come to worship Zhu Xi and appreciate his writings and calligraphy.

Xiamen is an island of music. It is home to traditional Chinese music and operas, like Gezaixi, Gaojiaxi, Budaixi, etc. The western music like piano, sax are performed as well. Therefore, the island is flooded with millions of music lovers per year. The buildings, both folk houses and modern western residences are like musical notes to tourists, telling them the stories about Xiamen—a city of long history and open-mindedness. Between September3rd and 5th, 2017, Xiamen held the 9th BRICS Summit.The city greeted guests from all over the world with hospitality. It is said that the Brics would push forward their collaboration to a new stage in the next golden decade. It is also true to Xiamen that the city will usher in a new era of prosperity.



About Xiamen

Xiamen, alias Egret Island, is a sub-provincial city in southeastern Fujian, China, beside the Taiwan Strait. It is divided into six districts: Huli, Siming, Jimei, Tong’an, Haicang, and Xiang’an. This area connects to Quanzhou in the north and Zhangzhou in the west. The Jinmen or Kinmen Islands lie less than 6kilometers (4 mi) away. As part of China’s Opening Up Policy under Deng Xiaoping, Xiamen became one of the original four special economic zones opened to foreign investment and trade in the early 1980s.

图一:厦门(Photo 1: 厦门)

图二:市鸟——白鹭(Photo 2: Egret—The City Bird)

图三:鼓浪屿(Photo 3: Gulangyu Island)

图四:日光岩(Phto 4: Sunlight Rock)

图五:金砖会议会址(Photo 5: Site of Brics Xiamen Summit)

图六:歌仔戏(Photo 6: Gezaixi Opera)


图文编辑: 吴浩浩




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