雅思口语新题季 rainy day


1 sun spell 连续天晴 

In the next three days, there will be a sun spell.

2 go basking 去晒太阳

I want to go basking on the small sandy beaches. 我想去沙滩上晒晒太阳。

3 It's completely still. 一点风都没有,

4 It's a scorcher today. 今天是个大热天。

5 It's boiling. 滚烫的,炽热的


1 It's chucking it down out there and you might find it difficult to drive in or walk in. As you are walking to work, your clothes are soaked. 外边下着大雨,要是出去开车或者走路那还挺难的,衣服会湿的。

2 I will not venture out in this downpour. 外面下着大雨,我不出去。

3 It's drizzling at the moment. 现在下着毛毛细雨呢

4 It's only spitting and only a few raindrops are falling. 天开始下几滴雨,就是雨滴开始落下来。

5  Before it rains, it started spitting and then get heavier. Then, suddenly the heavens open. 在下雨之前,天空只是下了几滴雨,然后开始下大。之后天空开始下倾盆大雨。

6 Thanks to the umbrella, my clothes are a little damp. 还好有雨伞,我的衣服就湿了一点点。

7 It's overcast and dark overhead, I guess it's going to rain. And there is a storm brewing, probably you can see lightning. After that you hear thunder, then it's also chucking it down. 天阴下来变暗,我猜快下雨了,暴风雨开始酝酿起来了。也许你会看到闪电,之后会听到雷鸣,然后开始下倾盆大雨。

