6.6 农业如何起源?《忽然》连载
6.6 农业文明同源之辩
6.6 Debates on the Homology of Agricultural Civilizations
2 万年前的石器上都提取出了小麦族淀粉粒,所以旧大陆人类关注小麦的植 物生长可能从更早就开始了。
Agriculture is an important symbol of human civilization. The earliest agricultural crop was wheat cultivated by Anatolians. It is my belief that the concept of agriculture, as with all the other items of civilization, was spread from one region to China and other places. Many countries, however,
should declare that their agriculture is of independent origin.
我认为,全球的农业概念如其他项目一样都是从一个相对集中的地区向外传 播出去的。
If we try to ignore the different kinds of the crops and have them boil down to the concept of agriculture, things will be clear.
对于原始人,“农业生产”是一种新概念,是人类利用周边可见的野生植物母本,根据四季气候变化,进行刻意、有规律的收藏种子、再行种植收获的重复行为。这 是一项人类的发明创造,也是一个长期总结积累的生活经验,它不是凭空突然出现的。从旧石器时代晚期的原始渔猎-采集到规律性的农业种植,这中间可能经 历了长达万年的演化 过程。
For primitive humans, agriculture was a new concept and a fresh way of living. From then on, they collected and stored seeds and planted them regularly according to changes of seasons. Like all the other items of civilization, it was a creation not without a foundation. It probably took about ten thousand years to evolve from primitive fishing and hunting in the late Palaeolithic Age to the regularity of agricultural cultivation. The cultivation of variied crops only means different purposes to adapt to individual places.
Agricultural civilization characterized by wheat was practically the continuation of human cultures of the late Paleolithic Age. And it is perfectly logical and reasonable that agriculture first emerged around the Mediterranean Sea. Later, the concept of agriculture appeared successively in East Asia and the Americas, which well indicates the spreading time in line with geographical principle.

图缺失 ( 驯化时间表 / Time line of domestication )
就品种方面,在稍 晚的几千年后东亚出 现了水稻,美洲再晚 出现有玉米、红薯等。 这些顺序是很清晰 的。这是宏观规律在 发生作用。

( 人类出非洲路线图 与时间,文明传播大 致同构 / Route of Migration of Modern Human from Africa. It is roughly isomorphic with spreading of civilization )
很多人以各地的不同农作物品种作为农业起源来对待,这是错误的。不同“品 种”不过是各地人类因地制宜的结果。农业概念只有一个。它只从一个相对的中
心向四面外扩,带着这种理 念的人们走到哪里就把农业 活动扩展到哪里。目前人们 在农业起源方面 混淆了农 业概念与农业品种的关系。

缺失图( 西方与东方文明项目的出 现先后关系。自 Ian Morris 《西方凭什么》,又名《西方 将主宰多久》/ Almost all of items of civilization appeared first in the west, from Why The West Rules For Now By Ian Morris. )
Then, how about the origin of animal husbandry?
正如农业起源是旧石器 时代晚期渔猎采集活动的延 伸,畜牧业也是如此。配合 狩猎的狗其实才是人类最早 的驯化动物 ,而且目前学界 认为最早的驯化狗出现在 2、3 万年前的欧洲,而非别处。这也符合我们的逻 辑: 旧石器时代晚期的人类 先进地区在欧洲,那么最先 锋的的人类思想和概念理应 出现在那里。
As with the birth of agriculture, the origin of animal husbandry was equally the continuation of hunting and gathering activities of the late Paleolithic Age. Dogs were first domesticated animals for hunting and the earliest domesticated dogs appeared in Europe. This discovery is logical considering that the most advanced culture in the late Paleolithic Age was in Europe where the pioneering human thoughts and concepts should take shape.

(旧石器时代的 Movius Line看来 仍然影响了农业进程。/ Effect of the Movius Line on the origin of agriculture)
其他动物的驯养同样遵循了旧大陆西部起源的规律。它们首先主要是从地中 海东部的土耳其、西亚、埃及附近出现,然后四散,比如羊、牛、驴子等都出现 在 1 万年前左右的这些地方。马匹则晚很多,因为马体型大且性情暴烈很难驾驭。
Domestication of other animals followed the same rule and livestock such as sheep, cows and donkeys first appeared along the east coast of the Mediterranean before some other animals were domesticated in places like China and the Americas. Domestication of horses appeared very late because it challenged more efforts. In fact, some animals can never be domesticated.