Metro English-334 - 世界最美火车之旅 - 落基山之光豪华观光列车
Rocky Mountaineer

Canada has to offer. Rocky Mountaineer is a must-do travel experience that offers unparalleled journeys in its spacious glass-domed train coaches thanks to the incredible scenery, delicious cuisine, friendly service, and social atmosphere.

In 2020, Rocky Mountaineer is celebrating 30 years of being a leading travel experience in Canada.
FAST FACTS 你应该快速知道的事实
· Rocky Mountaineer’s season runs from mid-April to mid-October.
· The train travels 50 km/hr (30 mph) on average.

· Three rail routes include: 三条线路包括:
– First Passage to the West (Vancouver – Lake Louise or Banff ) 向西第一通道(温哥华– 路易丝湖或班夫)
– Journey through the Clouds (Vancouver – Jasper) 云端之旅(温哥华– 贾斯珀)
– Rainforest to Gold Rush (Vancouver – Jasper via Whistler
and Quesnel) 热带雨林到淘金热(温哥华–贾斯珀途经惠斯勒和奎斯内尔)
· Rocky Mountaineer is an all-dome fleet, featuring two levels of service: GoldLeaf Service and SilverLeaf Service.
· Rocky Mountaineer travels only during the day and features oversized windows, so guests don’t miss a moment of the everchanging landscapes.

· The meals are prepared using locally-sourced products inspired by the regions of Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. Meals are served in the lower level dining room in GoldLeaf Service, and are served at the seat in SilverLeaf Service.
· The all-dome fleet offers views from nearly every angle and each coach has an outdoor viewing area.
· The length of the train varies with each departure, depending on guest count. The longest train was 41 cars, excluding the locomotives.


showcasing 展示
unparalleled 无与伦比的
fleet 车队
curate 组织(动词)