[学术前沿]南昌大学一附院洪涛团队基于内镜手术在国际上提出颅咽管瘤新分型 发表在Scientific...




颅咽管瘤是目前神经外科最具挑战性的手术之一,高超水准的手术也是目前对颅咽管瘤能够提供治愈机会的唯一治疗手段。近年来,神经内镜技术在颅咽管瘤的手术治疗中越来越凸显了其技术优势, 南昌大学一附院洪涛教授自2012年开始在国内率先系统与连续地开展颅咽管瘤的内镜治疗,目前已经积累了100例以上的病例,并基于这些病例在国际上率先根据内镜下的观察提出了颅咽管瘤的新分型。相信新分型的提出,将进一步明确内镜在颅咽管瘤治疗领域的优势,给临床医生更多参考与指导,也将最终在临床上造福于广大颅咽管瘤的患者。参考阅读:[第86期专访]南昌大学一附院洪涛: 从颅咽管瘤大宗病例到动脉瘤探索 神经内镜开疆拓土这五年

神外前沿讯,近日南昌大学第一附属医院神经外科主任、中国医师协会神经内镜专委会副主委 洪涛教授总结了2012年-2017年连续采用内镜经鼻入路切除92例颅咽管瘤的手术经验,并在国际上率先根据内镜下对肿瘤与垂体柄的关系及其起源点和生长方式的观察提出了新的分型,系统地阐述了对颅咽管瘤的理解,制定出不同亚型颅咽管瘤的鉴别诊断流程图,结果发表于Scientific Report杂志上。

Bin Tang, Shen Hao Xie, Li Min Xiao, Guan Lin Huang, Zhi Gang Wang, Le Yang,Xuan Yong Yang, Shan Xu, Ye Yuan Chen, Yu Qiang Ji, Er Ming Zeng & Tao Hong. A novel endoscopic classification for craniopharyngioma based on its origin.[J].Scientific Report: (2018) 8:10215.( DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28282-4)








图1:Schematic diagrams of the endoscopic subclassification of CPs. (A,B) Central type CP grows within and along the stalk and no pedicle or definite origin site can be identified, tumor is always located strictly in the midline. (C,D) Peripheral type CP arises from the stalk but expands and grows laterally in an exophytic pattern, the residual stalk is usually displaced to circumferential surface of the tumor. (E,F and G) Different origin sites of 3 subtypes of Peripheral type CPs along the pituitary stalk. (E) Hypothalamic stalk CP develops at the junction of the hypothalamus and the stalk, which usually extends up to the hypothalamus (brown arrow) and/or down to the up portion of stalk (black arrow), and usually invaded into the third ventricle. (F) Suprasellar stalk CP derives from suprasellar segment, usually low portion, of the stalk, and commonly locates extraventriclely. (G) Intrasellar stalk CP originates from the part of stalk under diaphragma, which is alsoknown as intrasellar CP. Yellow discs in schematic diagrams indicate the origin site of the tumor.


图2:Scheme of the endoscopic classification of CPs based on the relation with stalk and the origin of tumor.





表1:Imaging characteristics of Peripheral type and Ce ntral type CPs.

图3:Pre- and post-operative images and intraoperative findings of each subtype of CPs via endoscopic endonasal approach. (A1-6) A case of Central type CP. (A1-2) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing a Central type CP which is located in the midline. (A3-4) Intraoperative photographs showing that tumor grew within and along the stalk, and the characteristic structure of stalk could be clearly identified on the surface of tumor (A3). Bilateral hypothalamus damage limited to tuber cinereum area could be seen after tumor removal (A4). (A5-6) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images obtained after GTR. The pituitary gland was preserved and intact, but the stalk was not preserved. (B1-6) A case of Hypothalamic stalk CP. (B1-2) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing a suprasellar CP located slightly toward to the left side and grows into the third ventricle, with the anterior third ventricle shifted to the right side (yellow arrowheads in B1). (B3-4) Intraoperative photographs showing that tumor originated from the junction of the hypothalamus and the stalk (white arrowheads in B3), the stalk was pushed to the right side. After tumor removal, a defect at the left side of the third ventricle floor could be found, and the remnant of stalk was pushed to the right side and connected to the right side of the third ventricle floor, with a relative normal hypothalamus at the right side (B4). (B5-6) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing total tumor removal achieved. The stalk was preserved and pushed to the right side (red arrowhead in B5), the right hypothalamus was intact (blue arrowheads in B5-6).Note the vascularized nasoseptal flap at the posterior aspect of the sphenoid sinus on the sagittal image (orange arrowhead in B6). (C1-6) A case of Suprasellar stalk CP. (C1-2) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing a suprasellar CP located toward to the left side, with the anterior third ventricle shifted to the right side (yellow arrowheads in C1). (C3-4) Intraoperative photographs showing that tumor derived from suprasellar segment, low portion of the stalk (black arrowheads in C3). After tumor removal, the third ventricle floor was intact, with no hypothalamus damage, and the remanent of stalk was pushed to the right side (C4). (C5-6) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing total tumor removal achieved. The stalk was preserved and pushed to the right side (red arrowhead in C5), and the hypothalamus was intact (blue arrowheads in C5-6). Note the vascularized nasoseptal flap at the posterior aspect of the sphenoid sinus on the sagittal image (orange arrowhead in C6). (D1-6) A case of Intrasellar stalk CP. (D1-2) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing a typical intrasellar CP. (D3-4) Intraoperative photographs showing that the solid tumor located in the sellar region. Residual pituitary gland and stalk can be seen after tumor removal (D4). (D5-6) Coronal and sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing total tumor removal achieved. Ht, hypothalamus; Tu, tumor; Pg, pituitary gland; Ps, pituitary stalk. 3rd V., the third ventricle.

图4:Example of a Central type Cp grows longer in vertical direction. A and B:  Sagittal (A) and Coronal (B) post-contrast T1-weighted MR images showing that tumor grows up to the third ventricle and down to the intrasellar region through pitiutary stalk. C and F: Intraoperative photographs showing that tumor grew within and along the stalk and down to the intrasellar region (C). The third ventricle floor was destroyed, residual pituitary gland pushed and compressed by the tumor could be seen after tumor removal (F). D and E:  Sagittal (D) and Coronal (E) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images obtained after GTR demonstrating extensive, safe resection of the tumor. 3rd V., the third ventricle; Pg, pitui-tary gland.

图5:Examples of giant Suprasellar stalk CPs grow in roughly horizontal direction. (A and B) Sagittal (A) and Coronal (B) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing a giant Suprasellar stalk CP extends to the anterior fossa, sylvian fissure, the prepontine and posterior fossa. (C and D) Sagittal (C) and Coronal (D) postcontrast T1-weighted MR images showing a giant Suprasellar stalk CP extends to the prepontine and posterior fossa.











表2:Characteristics of Central type and Peripheral type CPs

图6:Three stages in the Suprasellar stalk CPs according to the relationship between tumor and hypothalamus. (A1 and A2) Schematic drawing of a Suprasellar stalk CP in Grade 1: tumor contacts the hypothalamus but there exists a subaracnoid and pial membrane between them. (A3) The T1-GDPA image of a typical case in the sagittal plane of MR image. (A4) Intraoperative photographs showing that the third ventricle floor was thick and intact after tumor resection (yellow arrow). (B1 and B2) Schematic drawing of a Suprasellar stalk CP in Grade 2: tumor obviously pushes the hypothalamus upward with no membrane between them.(B3) The T1-GDPA image of a typical case in the sagittal plane of MR image. (B4) Intraoperative photographs showing that the third ventricle floor was thin and intact after tumor resection (red arrow). (C1 and C2) Schematic drawing of a Suprasellar stalk CP in Grade 3: tumor severely pushes the hypothalamus upward and breaks it into the third ventricle with tight adherence to the remnants of hypothalamus. (C3) The T1-GDPA image of a typical case in the sagittal plane of MR image. (C4) Intraoperative photographs showing that a defect of the third ventricle floor could be seen after tumor resection (blue arrow).



图7:Illustration of the steps to diagnose the subtype of CP preoperatively and its corresponding degree of hypothalamus and stalk injury.





