空手套白狼,你行不行?Are you able to make money out of nothing?

继前文 转行做外贸,我迷茫了 ,Mike今天打算分享一下主题 【空手套白狼,你行不行?】
Today, I wanna share some of my ideas regarding making money out of nothing.
之所以提到这个,是因为,像Mike在 转行做外贸,我迷茫了 中提到的一样,现在很多很多的小公司或者小工厂看到同行或者朋友做外贸做的风生水起,发展快速,便萌生了做外贸的念头。 但是缺乏外贸经验与外贸型高端人才,导致公司/工厂发展缓慢,问题层出不穷。
Just as mentioned in last article " I got lost by switching to do foreign trade with no experience", lots of domestic small companies or factories plan to start the foreign trade business out of curiosity and desire for development after seeing the rapid&great breakthrough in business from friends or the peer companies.
Whereas, many of the companies or factories mentioned above develop at a quite slow speed with endless problems for lack of experience and employees who are much skilled in foreign trade business.
Many small companies or factories start this business on impulse. And, for saving cost, they usually hire one person only to cope with all the matters related to foreign trade business.
What's more, for saving cost, they usually hire a person at a quite low salary, which means they can only hire a person with limited experience or no experience, which further leads to the result that nobody in the company or factory knows how to run this business. So the result of development is obvious.
很多老板都觉得外贸极其简单,随便就能找到客户,随便就能取得联系,随便就能谈下订单,殊不知一个Confirmed 订单后暗藏着业务的多少心血。
Many bosses think it easy to find customers and get orders in foreign trade business. They seem never understand how much efforts the employees have to make for getting inquiries and confirming orders.
Just like what I have said before, the best way for developing foreign trade business is to cover all the methods you can reach, instead of taking one or three of them.
And, no matter by which way you get customers or inquiries, this is just the first step of developing business. More aspects are waiting for your communication and confirmation with customers.
那么为什么 Mike 设定的题目写的是
" 空手套白狼不可行" ?
So why I set the title with "Are you able to make money out of nothing?" instead of " NO ways for making money out of nothing"
很多的小公司/工厂/SOHO 资金有限,能够容许他们投资的方向很多,但是资金却捉襟见肘,投资乏力,于是也不得不出现Mike上面提到的问题。
Though there're many directions for their investment, many small companies, factories or SOHO are with limited fund. So here comes the problems mentioned above.
坦白讲,很多小公司/工厂/SOHO连雇人的资金都是拿不出的, (你仔细算算,一个业务就算一个月3500,一年也要42000元的支出,而且这个工资水平还只能雇佣一般水平的业务),这又牵扯到了Mike之前提到的一个点 别把英语不好当做借口甚至骄傲 里面讲的,很多人英语不好一样做外贸,我只能说,他是在拼运气+不努力。于是,这些老板自己亲自操刀,开始了外贸业务开发。
Frankly speaking, many companies, factories or SOHO cannot even afford the salary for employees. (Check it out carefully. RMB3500/Month, RMB42000/Year, This money can only find employees with limited experience)So this actually has been the problem mentioned in past post " Don't take pride in your limited English proficiency.", they are just chancing their luck without consciousness&efforts for improving their skills in English.
They just start this business all by themselves.
Many of them take themselves involved in this business just because people around are talking much about this.
想想吧,如果你毫无经验,也没有资金雇佣人才或者投资平台,是不是一大弊端? 能不能做好? 能不能做大?
Think about this. If you have no experience, no fund to afford the salary for employees and payment for the platforms. So this actually has been a big obstacle
So many bosses actually have fallen into the bad and embarrassing situation mentioned above, feeling lost.
You can You up.
那么,尤其是SOHO, 自己没有资金投资平台或者雇用人才就要自己努力提高自身能力,做到独当多面,慢慢发展,待到羽翼丰满,再扩大自己的公司和生意范围。
So,if you don't have the fund to invest in workers or platforms, improve yourself first and after you grasp enough skills, you can then enlarge your own company and business range.
Just like what I have said to a friend who connected with me on WeChat yesterday, if you just start this business, set a target product, then develop your business with firm direction and don't do anything blindly.
否则, 你发展会很缓慢,你也会身心俱疲。
Or your business will develop very slowly and you will feel much exhausted physically and mentally.