[珍贵资料详细版]一神八仙有机农业微生物的应用(共三集)泰国文龙老师主讲 文字 视频(有翻译)





Precious information on environmental protection enzymes planting methods and organic composting methods


atural Farming, Enzyme Planting


(1) Production methods of environmental-friendly enzymes:


Raw materials (vegetables, fruits, peels, grass and other plants) 3 kg, sugar (brown sugar or molasses) 1 kg, water (clear water or tap water) 10 kg. Cut the raw materials into pieces, mix molasses and water evenly, mix all the raw materials, cover the anaerobic fermentation for more than three months, open the stirring every few days in the first month, close the fermentation at room temperature in the later period, temperature should be controlled between 15-45 degrees, after fermentation, taste slightly acidic, floating white bacterial membrane.


Usage: At least 40 Jin of raw liquid per mu, which can be diluted 50 to 500 times for irrigation and spraying, should be increased or less diluted according to the seedling stage.


After autumn harvest, straw in Dryland can be sprayed with environmental protection enzymes. After ploughing, straw can be effectively and rapidly corroded, making straw into fertilizer and increasing soil organic matter.



(2) Enzyme Bacteria of 'One God'


The Method of Making Monotheque MO


This is a local beneficial bacteria, also known as indigenous bacteria.


'One God' has lived on our earth for millions of years. Please work for our land. They can make the soil structure better and make the soil more fertile. Why is it so important? Because 'M0' is the healthiest enzyme in the forest, and there are many 'One God' microorganisms in bamboo gardens. It can decompose the organic matter in the soil and make plants absorb easily? It can also decompose minerals that are not easily absorbed by plants in the soil, make them easy to absorb, and enhance the immunity of plants. As long as we have rice bran, rice bran for IM0 needs to be fresh, and fine rice bran for microbial IM0 can develop well, quickly and more. Tell us that the more ancient forests, bamboo forests and microbes there are, the more leaves or bamboo leaves are picked up, the more 'white' leaf soil can be seen, which can be used as bacterial fertilizer.“


IM0 method: It's better to sweep the leaves or bamboo leaves of 2 meters and 2 meters away from the old forest, then to pile up the surface soil, which is 5 centimeters thick (because the microbial content of the surface soil is the most). After digging up the surface soil, pick up the debris inside and pile it up. Look at the size of the soil pile, use the same volume of rice bran pile. Mix the two piles evenly. Another 100 kilograms of water, 3 kilograms of brown sugar and 3 kilograms of enzymes are all stirred together. About 60% of the humidity is stirred evenly. Specifically, a handful of mixture of soil and bran, such as those scattered on the handshake, is short of water. If you hold your hand and drip water between your fingers, it's too wet. You need to add soil and rice bran, pile it up into a pile, sprinkle the swept leaves and bamboo leaves, and finally sprinkle it with bran, sprinkle it on the top and the surface of the pile, and sprinkle it all around the pile. Microorganisms like rice bran to attract a large number of microorganisms around. If it rains, please use rain-proof cloth to cover it. It's better to erect rain-proof cloth in the forest. Don't cover it directly on the well-made bacteria pile. It will be too hot and will burn IMO bacteria (up to 62.5C, most bacteria will be heated to death). When it doesn't rain, please take off the rainproof cloth. Thailand makes IM0, 3 days to turn over heaps for heat dissipation, 10 days to use, China's summer is the same, spring and autumn 4-5 days to turn over heaps, 10-15 or so can be used. When turning the pile, remove the leaves and turn the pile. The IM0 fungus is covered with white cotton flocculent hyphae from the top to the bottom. It is beneficial for the fungus to eat food to breed. The IM0 fungus is very light and fragrant. It can be dried thoroughly for one year (packed in a pocket, ventilated, not exposed to the sun or shower). After heat dissipation in summer, pile up 10 inches high. Don't cover the leaves any more, grow to the whole white. It's white from inside to outside. Other bacteria may grow on the IM0 stack.


Example 1: 1. Red photosynthetic bacteria. Actinomycetes can help decompose leaves and straws. (3) Trichoderma viride can prevent root rot; microscopic examination shows that many dark-colored fungi are not necessarily bad, which may be the aging state of white beneficial fungi. With IM0 bacteria and 0M compost, it is equivalent to more than 200,000 microbial workers. You don't need to pay wages to help you work and improve the land. 'One God' has been living here for millions of years, we need it! The method of making IM0 in the forest is not exactly the same as making enzyme ball. The difference is that the ball is made at home, while IM0 is made in the forest. When it is dry enough, it can be collected and stored for one year. IMO fungi can put in the paddy field very well. Each Mu has 15 rugby-sized volumes, which are placed in the water inlet of the paddy field. The whole water production process is put in five times. Now.


(3) OM composting


The composting of the expanded OM of 'Yishen' IM0.


The raw materials for expanding compost 0M are: (1) rice husk (or sawdust), (2) rice bran bran, (3) carbonized rice husk (or straw ash), (4) animal manure, and the volume ratio of expanding compost is: 1:1:1:1 (equal volume) 200kg of water mixed with molasses, 2 kg of enzymes, (1 kg of monotheistic IM0) dissolved in water and mixed, sprinkled with the above four mixtures. Even, the humidity is still 60%, the amount of fruit added is very large, stirred by machine, and IM0 method, pile up, and finally sprinkle rice bran, leaves, temperature does not exceed 60 C, fermentation for a week, you will see the color change, white is beneficial microorganisms, very complete microorganisms, lighter than general compost. This is all the replication of 'one god', the most important fermentation bacterial fertilizer! Dozens of mu, hundreds of mu can be used organic enzyme compost.

注意: 整个过程注意挡雨、防水、防晒、防高温,因部分菌会因为受不了高温而发育不好。保质期也是一年。干透了就可以收集起来,也可以放一年不会坏。当泰国气温在30-40°时,菌的发酵最快,中国夏天做最好,春秋天会慢一点,发酵时热度不可以超过62℃,否则好多菌会死亡。太热要翻堆。看堆冒烟要散热,15天能用。够干时也能存放,注意防雨、防晒、保存好文龙老师说,直接使用“一神”IM0很浪费,毕竟竹园表层土、老林子的层土都是有限的,而用“一神”IM0做菌种做成1:5000的扩培M0很好!做堆肥的时间一般只需要15天,很快!且没有污染。(我们自身的一神M0”的量可能没有文龙老师的做得好,所以做时适当多放些IM0菌种)

Note: The whole process pay attention to rain, waterproof, sun protection, high temperature, because some bacteria will not be able to withstand high temperature and develop well. The shelf life is also one year. When it's dry, it can be collected or put away for a year. When the temperature in Thailand is between 30 and 40 degrees, the fermentation of bacteria is the fastest. In summer, it is the best in China. In spring and autumn, it will be slower. The heat of fermentation should not exceed 62 degrees. Otherwise, many bacteria will die. It's too hot to pile up. Look at the pile of smoke to heat up, 15 days can be used. When it's dry enough, it can also be stored. Pay attention to rainproof, sun protection and preservation. Teacher Wenlong said that it's wasteful to use 'Yishen' IM0 directly. After all, the surface soil of bamboo garden and the layer soil of old forest are limited. It's good to use 'Yishen' IM0 as a strain to make 1:5000 expanded M0. It usually takes only 15 days to compost, fast and no pollution. (Our own monotheistic M0 may not be as good as Mr. Wenlong's, so we should put more IM0 strains when we do it.)


Description: If there is 'wood vinegar solution' (available online, buy back and then use charcoal to attach a better quality), wood vinegar contains wood energy, greater energy is very good for the soil.


(4) Maternal bacteria are also called 'maternal enzymes'


1. Production: This is an enzyme from plants. It uses at least three varieties of fast-growing vegetable shoots, totaling 3 kilograms (just those vegetables that eat leaves and hearts of tender vegetable). It only takes 2 centimeters long from the tip of tender vegetable, such as the tip of hollow vegetable, shoot of tender bamboo, tip of tender banana and so on. Because the fast growing tender tip contains a lot of hormones, the best time to pick tender vegetable tip is in the early morning when the sun just comes out. At this time, the hormone is the most abundant. After picking, cut it into small pieces immediately, chop it, add 1 kg of brown sugar (or molasses), 200 grams of salt, stir it together and ferment in a pot for 15 days, add 10 liters of water after 15 days, and then ferment for 3 months.


Be careful that the lid is tightened to keep the insects out. It must be three months before it can be used. Microorganisms will grow steadily and have a good effect. This mother fungus enzymatic water is specially sprayed on the leaves of plants to help the growth of leaves for plant growth, can nourish germination, promote the growth of branches and leaves.


2. Usage method: (more than three months to one year is the best effect)

(1) 。取母菌水50毫升,兑水20公斤,稀释后,早上和晚上喷酒在植物的叶子上,这个时段喷是最好的,可以让蔬菜叶子长得特别好。

(1). Take 50 ml of mother fungus water and add 20 kg of water. After dilution, spray alcohol on the leaves of plants in the morning and evening. Spraying at this time is the best, which can make the vegetable leaves grow very well.

(2) 果树,水果、剪枝后喷叶子、腋芽

(2) Fruit trees, fruit, spraying leaves and axillary buds after pruning


Yenen: 50CC: 20 liters of water; Yelao: 50-100c: 20 liters of water.


Note: (1) To make the leaves grow well, spray them every 7 days. Spray on the tip of the head and axillary buds of fruit trees or vegetables. Keep in mind that the mother fungus promotes the growth of leaves and makes them beautiful and green. (2) If properly added with viscosin (such as coconut oil, hand soap, flour paste, etc.), it will stick to the leaves of plants for a longer time, and the effect is better.


(five) male bacteria


Male bacteria are fruit enzymes or fruit enzymes. Their function is to help plants blossom and bear fruits, which are used in the flowering and fruiting stages. After use, it can also increase the sweetness of the fruit, making the fruit big and sweet.

1、制作: 制作公菌的水果或果实要求是自然成熟的水果或果实这时的果实才会含有很高的荷尔蒙,制成的公菌酵素质量才好。

1. Production: The requirement of producing fruit or fruit is natural ripening fruit or fruit, when the fruit will contain high hormones, the quality of fermentation is good.

方法一: 成熟的南瓜1公斤+香蕉1公斤+木瓜1公斤,连皮带籽切碎,计3公斤,红糖(或糖蜜)1公斤,盐200克混合均匀。

Method 1: Mature pumpkin 1 kg + Banana 1 kg + papaya 1 kg, with strap seeds cut, 3 kg, brown sugar (or molasses) 1 kg, salt 200 grams mixed evenly.

方法二: 成熟的水果3公斤(3种或3种以上),如熟透的桃、苹果、梨、西红柿、西瓜等等都可以,连皮带籽切得碎一些。红糖(或糖蜜)1公斤,盐200克,搅拌均匀,放进塑料桶里,桶盖儿不要拧得太紧,但又要防止虫进去。以上两种是放置15天,之后加水10公斤,发酵三个月就滤水来用,这就是公菌。使用这种酵素可促进植物开花结果。

Method 2: 3 kg of ripe fruit (3 or more), such as ripe peaches, apples, pears, tomatoes, watermelons and so on, can be cut into pieces with strap seeds. One kilogram of brown sugar (or molasses) and 200 grams of salt are stirred evenly and put into a plastic bucket. The lid of the bucket should not be tightened too tightly, but insects should be prevented from entering. The above two are placed for 15 days, then added 10 kg of water, fermentation for three months to filter water to use, this is the public bacteria. The use of this enzyme can promote the flowering and Fruiting of plants.


2. Usage: 50 ml of bacterial solution with 20 kg of water, spraying once every 10 days during flowering and Fruiting of plants, spraying 2-3 times. It can be sprayed directly on plants, and can blossom more buds and bear more fruits.


3. Note: Male bacteria are used for spraying before flowering. Stop using them when flowering to avoid disturbing bee pollination.

(六) 公菌酵素+母菌酵素

(6) Bacterial Enzyme + Maternal Enzyme


It is used after flowering, to promote fruits, and it can be used ten days after flowering. It is used for small hours (spraying on leaves, then transporting leaves to fruits, only spraying twice altogether) that is, after ten days, spraying again.


Usage: If you eat leafy vegetables, use more mother bacteria and fewer male bacteria. If you want to get more results, use more public bacteria and fewer mother bacteria.


Seedling stage: more maternal bacteria, fewer male bacteria (similar to children need breast milk) growth stage: half maternal bacteria, half male bacteria


Flowering and fruit stage: more male bacteria and less female bacteria


First equation: suitable for adding, enlarging and thickening vegetable leaves, plant leaves, with 9 mother fungi, 1 male fungi, seepage. Take 50 ml, add 20 kg of water, spray wine on vegetable leaves, or fruit leaves and branches.

技术: ①开始种或培苗用量只能用1汤匙,配20公斤水噴洒。②叶厚植物可增加到5-6汤匙配20公斤水喷酒。注意点:因公菌、母菌带有酸性,放入过多会使植物枯萎,暂时停止生长。

Technology: 1. The amount of seed or seedling can only be sprayed with 1 tbsp and 20 kg of water. (2) Leaf thickness plants can be increased to 5-6 tbsps with 20 kg water spray. Attention: Because of the acidity of the male and female bacteria, the plant will wither and stop growing temporarily.


The second equation: half of the male fungi and half of the mother fungi will promote flowering and fruit growth. For example: 25 ml of mother fungus, 25 ml of male fungus and 20 kg of water are sprayed together to help blossom and bear fruit, and the fruit is not easy to drop. Spraying once in 10 days, twice in total, is very good.


Third-party program: take one copy of the mother bacteria, nine copies of the male bacteria, after infiltration, take one tablespoon (about 50 ml). Water distribution of 20 kg, spraying leaf surface and leaf back or branch trunk, is conducive to fruit. It is used for spraying once after flowering, when fruiting, and again after 10 days. With regard to dosage, 50-100 liters of [male bacteria + mother bacteria] and 20 kg of water dilution can be sprayed on 2 mu of land in China, once sprayed, a little more or less is no problem.


(7) Lactic acid bacterial enzymes


Practice: Outdated milk powder, milk, yogurt, cereal milk can be. Formula 1: 600-700 grams of milk powder, 2,000 grams of brown sugar, 150-350 grams of yoghurt, 40 kg of water and even, covered in a transparent plastic bucket and placed for three months, at this time, the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt will divide the solution into three layers: the upper layer is fat, the lower layer is starch precipitation, extract the Yellow clarification part of the middle layer, dilute. 50-100 ml: 20 liters of water, can be sprayed every day or every other day, making the fruit crisp and used for Chinese cabbage, mustard, cabbage and other vegetables also make vegetables taste delicious! They can be sprayed in the afternoon and evening, or in the morning when dew is not dry, in short, spraying wine when there is no sun, all of them are sprayed on the leaves, the surface and back of the leaves should be sprayed, the mouth of the plant is growing on the leaves.


Other uses of lactic acid bacterial enzymes are sprayed once every 10 days.


Formula 2: liquid milk formula, 125 grams of liquid milk 6 cups, this kind of milk sweet sticky, 20 liters of water, yogurt: 150-350 grams, mixed fermentation, three months on the line.


Formula 3: Pure milk without water, 20 liters in a bucket, 200 grams of brown sugar, 1 box and 2 boxes of yogurt, three months on the line.


Why do lactic acid bacteria enzymes need transparent buckets and caps, because it is easy to see three layers, the tube can easily see the insertion of one layer to extract, the other two layers: upper fat, lower slag. Do some pushing.


Usage: Lactobacillus enzymes not only promote plant growth, but also make fruit sweet and delicious, especially for melons, tomatoes, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, mustard, knife beans and so on. Fifty milliliters with 10 kg of water can be sprayed every day, morning and evening can be sprayed, tomato fruit rot is lack of calcium, spraying lactic acid bacteria can solve this problem, and tomatoes taste better.


(8) Enzyme of Photosynthetic Bacteria

1、作用: 光合菌可以把土壤中不好的物质变成植物需要的,把有害的变成有用的,把H2S(硫化氢)变成硫磺S2(硫)。微生物分解毒气,S2(硫)有增大叶面的光合作明,让植物健壮起来,提高抵抗力,所以光合菌的好处是:①减少毒气。②增加光合作用让植物更好生长。③还可以非常有效地处理水的污染问题。④让家畜吃,身体会变得更强壮。

1. Function: Photosynthetic bacteria can turn bad substances in soil into plant needs, harmful substances into useful ones, H2S (hydrogen sulfide) into sulfur S2 (sulfur). Microorganisms decompose toxic gases, and S2 (sulfur) can increase photosynthesis on the leaf surface, make plants strong and improve resistance, so the advantages of photosynthetic bacteria are: (1) reducing toxic gases. (2) Increase photosynthesis to make plants grow better. (3) Water pollution can also be treated very effectively. Let the livestock eat, the body will become stronger.


2. Source of strains: 1. Online purchase. (2) Photosynthetic bacteria are the red ones seen in IM0. (3) Photosynthetic bacteria can be replicated five times, and the quality is poor after five times, so the original strain is needed.


3. The method of making photosynthetic bacteria and using 20 kilograms of water to put them in transparent barrels, one egg, one tablespoon of urea (poisonous to non-toxic), half a spoon of chicken essence and one spoon of mushroom powder, mix them evenly in barrels, pour the bacteria into transparent barrels, and then take them out to bask in the sun (only photosynthetic bacteria need to bask in the sun). It has nutrients and basks in the sun, it will work slowly and turn red. The more nutrients it has, the more color it will become. Red, generally sunny, 7 days can be used, China needs 10 days or more.


Photosynthetic bacteria can only be used in the soil! Photosynthetic bacteria bottle caps should be tightly capped to put photosynthetic bacteria in the paddy field, increase the photosynthesis of rice, rice tillering, strong, straight and firm leaves, insects can not bite. Usage: It can be poured directly into the water intake, and it can be put in the water drainage system to irrigate the field together. The use of farmland can also reduce the effect of toxic gases on plant roots. Generally speaking, when photosynthetic bacteria are colored, they know how long it will take. Light can be used in winter. Very red, put in two or three months, the color will become light, indicating that some photosynthetic bacteria aging, dead. But some spores are still alive, and they turn red again when they are put into barrels with food. Always have light! Photosynthetic bacteria will die when they exceed 60 C. It's best to put them on a shelf instead of on the ground (reflecting light on the ground).


Use formula: Photosynthetic bacteria 50 ML - 100 ml, with 20 kg of water, spraying on the surface. Usage: 1. Spray rice once every 7-10 days, vegetables once every 5-7 days and fruit trees once every 15 days. It can be sprayed on the soil, irrigated or flowed with water. (2) Photosynthetic bacteria can purify water pollution, decompose rotten substances in water, deodorize, and purify fish ponds together with monotheistic IM0.


(3) It can also be put in water and feed to animals. Health animals (4) When water and bacteria are expanded, the expansion is 1:1. For example, 5 liters of bacteria plus 1 egg (eggs need to be broken and stirred), 5 liters of water. Put it in a sunny place and the barrel is transparent.


The above eight materials are indispensable for us to do natural farming and organic agriculture. They are also very valuable information. Thank you for your selfless dissemination.

以上资料由2018年3月中国环保酵素农业种植团队26人前往泰国学习带回,文字资料整理:灵珠老师,录像资料泰国文龙老师学生:KruThang提供,文龙老师讲课翻译:Vatchara P.老师

The above information was brought back by 26 members of China Environmental Enzyme Agricultural Planting Team to Thailand in March 2018. Words and materials were arranged as follows: Lingzhu Teacher, Video Material, Thai Wenlong Teacher and Student: Kru Thang, and Wenlong Teacher's Lecture Translation: Vatchara P.Teacher.

