20.1.P Is there a procedure for final validation? YES/NO
20.2.P Is there a procedure for demonstrating compliance to the Class 3 acceptance criteria of IPC-6012 or IPC-6013, as required by Customer(s)? YES/NO
20.3.P Is there a procedure for demonstrating compliance to the acceptance criteria of the Customer or other specified requirements? YES/NO
20.4.P Is there training based on IPC-A-600, or equivalent workmanship standard? YES/NO
20.5.P Is there a process for reviewing the yield results and a method for feedback and initiating appropriate corrective actions? YES/NO
20.1.C Are all the coupons present for examination and traceable per Customer requirements? YES/NO
20.2.C Are all coupons inspected, then retained or delivered as per Customer requirements?
20.3.C Is there objective evidence that Customer requirements have been identified and inspected? YES/NO
20.4.C Is there a verification of construction through micro-section analysis? YES NO
20.5.C Are there quality records for the parameters of the product [e.g. length, width, thickness, final finish, Solder Mask Over Bare Copper (SMOBC), hole sizes, hole quantities where appropriate, part number, lot number, serial number, panel position, date code, etc.]? YES/NO
20.6.C Is there objective evidence of the manufacturer’s identification on the product? YES/NO
20.7.C Is there objective evidence of process step sign-offs on the traveler (can be electronic)?
20.8.C Is there objective evidence of electrical test results? YES/NO
20.9.C Is solderability testing for final finish performed with results recorded as a quality record?
20.10.C Is adhesion testing for final plated finish performed with results recorded as a quality record as specified by contract or master drawing? YES/NO
20.11.C Does the final PB cleaning process meet the specified cleanliness requirements? YES/NO
20.12.C Is there objective evidence of a valid First Article Inspection on file? YES/NO
20.13.C Are there records that identify scrap with each of the process steps? YES/NO
20.14.C Is there objective evidence of final count of the processed lot? YES/NO
20.15.C Is there objective evidence of final yield information per lot? YES/NO
20.16.C Is there objective evidence of material certifications? YES/NO
20.17.C Is there objective evidence of authorized repair, where required? YES/NO/N/A
20.18.C Is there objective evidence that the representative coupon and/or PB has met all Class 3 acceptance criteria as required by the Customer? YES/NO
21.1.P Is there a procedure for packaging to ensure compliance with Customer requirements? YES/NO
21.2.P If specified by the Customer, is there a procedure to manage the shelf life of finished goods in accordance to it? YES/NO/N/A
21.3.P If the shelf life of finished goods is not specified by the Customer, is there a FIFO procedure for finished goods? YES/NO/N/A
21.1.C If specified, is there evidence that the packaging is compliant to Customer requirements? YES/NO/N/A
21.2.C If specified by the Customer, is the procedure to manage the shelf life of finished goods being followed? YES/NO/N/A
21.3.C If the shelf life of finished goods in not specified by the Customer, is the FIFO procedure being followed? YES/NO/N/A