
重大招商项目的认定标准有三:区外境内总投资1亿元人民币以上(含 1亿元人民币)的项目;或国(境)外合同外资1500万美元以上(含1500万美元)项目;或对全区或区域经济社会发展具有较大促进作用的非国家、自治区禁止和限制类产业项目。
申报重大招商引资项目,由自治区投资促进局对所提供的材料进行审定。该项目获得奖励需同时满足以下条件:1. 外来投资者或控股项目须在广西境内注册为企业法人;2. 当年招商引资到位资金数额达到标准且应形成固定资产;3. 当年招商引资到位资金被纳入自治区招商引资统计信息系统或外商投资综合管理应用平台;4. 项目不属于房地产、矿产资源采选的特定项目,也不违反相关政策;5. 能够在立项或资金到位的有效的期限内运行。

Introduction to the Major Investment Project of Investment Incentive Policy of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
To be accredited so, an investment project must fall into one of the following three categories:
1.Projects with a total investment from other domestic regions outside of Guangxi that amounts to 100 million yuan and more, or;
2.Projects with a contractual foreign investment that amounts to 15 million dollars and more, or;
3.Projects that can provide considerable stimulus for regional economic and social development and do not belong to any of the restricted or prohibited industrial projects listed by the State or the Region.
The application materials will be reviewed by the Regional Investment Promotion Agency. To be incentivized, an applying project of this kind must meet the following criteria:
1.The project has been registered as an enterprise legal person in Guangxi, including enterprise of sole proprietorship or controlling interest, and;
2.Capital in place has reached the aforementioned amounts and been translated into fixed assets in that year, and;
3.Capital in place has been registered into the Regional statistical system of investment information or the integrated management application platform of foreign investments, and;
1.The project does not belong to specific real-estate or mining-and-selecting projects and breach relevant policies, and;
2.The project can run within the contractual term as soon as it gets approved or funded.
Here’s the incentive policy: The proprietor(s) of the project will earn a one-time award, the amount of which equals to 1% of the actual capital in place and is no more than 30 million yuan. For projects requiring a relatively long construction period, the actual capital in place can be counted cumulatively and the calculation period shall not exceed three years.
