

Text/John Roberts

  今年6月初,美国最高法院首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)来到新罕布什尔州的卡迪根山中学(Cardigan Mountain School),参加儿子的初中毕业典礼,并发表演讲。

In early June of this year, Chief Justice John Roberts of the United States Supreme Court came to Cardigan Mountain School in New Hampshire to attend his son's junior high school graduation ceremony and gave a speech.


The following is the full text of the speech:


People say that rain is like confetti spilled from heaven. So this morning, even Heaven is celebrating this wonderful graduation ceremony with us.


Before I go on, graduates, you have an important task to do. Behind you are your parents and parents.


Two, three, or four years ago, they drove you to Cardigan Hill Middle School to help you settle down and then drove away. They made a great sacrifice. They went back to the more empty and lonely home with tears all the way.


They do this because this decision about education is actually more about you. It is their sacrifice and all kinds of dedication that have made you today. But this morning you are not the only protagonist, and today is also their big day, so I hope everyone can stand up, turn around, and give their families a warm applause.


Okay, now if someone asks me how Cardigan’s speech is going, I can say that the applause broke out and the speech was interrupted.


Congratulations, graduates of 2017. You have reached an important milestone, and an important stage in your life has passed. But sorry, I want to tell you that this is the simplest stage of your life, but it has come to an end. When you were enrolled in Cardigan Hill Middle School, you also became a member of the international community. I think everyone should realize this in particular.


Today, in universities, high schools, and junior high schools across the country, many graduate speakers are standing in front of a group of restless graduates, and they speak the same. They will say that today is a new beginning exercise in advance, 'This is a beginning, not an end. You should look forward.'


They are right. However, I think that if you want to look forward and find your own direction, it is also beneficial to know the path you have traveled and look back.


I think that if you look back on the afternoon when you came to Cardigan on the first day, you may remember how lonely you were at that time, and maybe still a little scared and uneasy. But looking at you now, you are surrounded by friends and become brothers to each other, and you are confident to welcome the next stage of education.


Think about why there is such a change, which makes sense. I think you may thank the students for their help in the classroom, on the sports ground, and in the dorms. And where does faith come from? Maybe you are grateful not only for your success, but also because your friends help you and you are no longer afraid of failure.


If it fails, you get up and try again. If you fail again, you get up and try again. If it still fails this time, it may be time to think about something else. But it is not just success, but the courage not to be afraid of failure makes you come to today.


Now, the speakers at the graduation ceremony will as usual wish you good luck and blessings. I won’t do it, let me tell you why.


I hope that in the years to come, you will encounter injustice from time to time. Only in this way can you understand the value of justice.


I hope you taste the betrayal, so that you can realize the importance of loyalty.


Sorry, I also hope you feel lonely from time to time, and only then will you not take your friends for granted.


I wish you occasional bad luck, so that you will realize the role of opportunity in life, and understand that your success is not justified, and the failure of others is not destined.


When you fail occasionally, I hope that your opponent will gloat over from time to time. Only in this way can you understand the importance of the sports spirit of mutual respect.


I hope you are often ignored, and only then can you understand how important it is to listen to others. I also wish you to feel the pain of skin-cutting and learn to sympathize.

  无论我祝愿与否,这些事都会发生。而你能否从中获益,则取决于你能否参透这些苦难中传递的信息。 Whether I wish or not, these things will happen. And whether you can benefit from it depends on whether you can penetrate the information conveyed in these sufferings.


Guests at the graduation ceremony will also give some advice. They will say some grand suggestions or practical tips. And the grand suggestion they often say is to be yourself. It’s a bit weird to suggest this to a group of well-dressed people, but you really should be yourself. But you have to understand the true meaning of this sentence.

  除非你完美无瑕,那么这句话绝不意味着不去改变自己。从某种意义上来说,你不应当做自己。你应当努力成为更好的人。人们说“做自己”,因为他们希望你不要屈服于他人的意愿随波逐流。但如果你自己都不了解自己,那么你就无法“做自己”,而你只有思考了,才能清楚自己想成为怎样的人。Unless you are flawless, this sentence does not mean not to change yourself. In a sense, you should not be yourself. You should strive to be a better person. People say 'be yourself' because they want you not to succumb to other people's wishes. But if you don't know yourself, then you can't 'be yourself', and you have to think about what kind of person you want to be.


 The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said, 'Life without introspection is meaningless.' For some things, 'dare to do it' may be a golden and good word, but when you are thinking about how you will spend your life in the future, this is not a good motto. Don't live for the so-called 'good life'. If you never think about the meaning of life, then you will easily lose yourself.


The above are some profound advice. The next suggestion is for you who are about to enter the new school. In the past few years, I have known many young people among you, and I know that you are all good young people. But you are also a privileged group of young people. Even if you are not first class when you first come here, being a member here has given you more advantages than others. My advice is not to be superior.


When you come to the new school, when you see the people who sweep the leaves, shovel snow, and dump the garbage, they step forward and introduce themselves, while remembering their names. In school days, remember to call their names. Another suggestion is: When you meet strangers on the road, look into their eyes and smile. The worst result of this is that people will remember you as a young man who smiles and says hello, which is a good start. You used to have only boys in the school, and now most people will go to the school with girls. I have no suggestions about this matter.


The last suggestion is very simple, but it will have a big impact on your life: write a letter to some people every week. It’s not email, but it’s written on a piece of paper, and it only takes you 10 minutes. Ask an elder to tell you what the stamp is, and then you can put a stamp on the envelope. Again, it only takes 10 minutes a week.


I can teach you how to do it now. I tell you what to write in the first note. The title is 'Dear teacher at Cardigan Hill Middle School', and then write 'We have started a new semester and are studying a book recently. Football is very difficult for me, but I like it very much. Thank you for your teaching.'


Then put your note in the envelope, post it with a stamp. This is of great significance to middle school teachers who dedicate their lives to educating junior high school boys. As I said, it only takes ten minutes a week. By the end of the school year, you had sent notes to almost 40 teachers. These 40 teachers will feel special because of what you do, and they will look at you differently. In school time, this is a bonus for you alone.


The advice is enough. Below I will quote a famous lyrics to end my speech. Just now, I quoted the famous sayings of the Greek philosopher Socrates, and these lyrics come from the great American philosopher Bob Dylan. These lyrics have a history of 50 years, and were written to his son Jesse during the Dylan tour. The lyrics express the parents' hopes for their children. At the same time, it can also be used as a goal for the children. These expectations are beautiful, eternal, and universal.

  May God bless and keep you always,


  May your wishes all come true,


  May you always do for others


  And let others do for you.


  May you build a ladder to the stars


  And climb on every rung,


  May you stay forever young,


  Forever young, forever young,


  May you stay forever young.


  May you grow up to be righteous,


  May you grow up to be true,


  May you always know the truth


  And see the lights surrounding you.


  May you always be courageous,


  Stand upright and be strong,


  ay you stay forever young,


  Forever young, forever young,


  May you stay forever young.


  May your hands always be busy,


  May your feet always be swift,


  May you have a strong foundation


  When the winds of changes shift.


  May your heart always be joyful,


  May your song always be sung,


  May you stay forever young,


  Forever young, forever young,


  May you stay forever young.



Overall it is very good, except for one, the wishes expressed in the song title and chorus. That can only be regarded as a sigh of grief for parents, not a good wish.




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