What little living things can make you cough and sneeze and stay in bed for days? Germs!Germs are so small that you need a microscope to see them. They are found all over the world. They spread when someone sneezes or coughs. Then, they enter our body and make us sick.Germs produce a toxin. This is like a poison. Some germs cause a fever. Others cause us to be tired. Some cause a rash.You can protect yourself from germs by washing your hands a lot. Cover your mouth when you cough. Sneeze into the crook of your arm or use a tissue. Then, wash your hands again!细菌非常小,你需要显微镜才能看到它们。它们遍布世界各地。当有人打喷嚏或咳嗽时,细菌会传播。然后,它们进入我们的身体,让我们生病。细菌产生毒素。这就像毒药。有些细菌会引起发烧。其它细菌让我们疲累。有些细菌会引起皮疹。经常洗手可以保护自己免受细菌的侵害。咳嗽时捂住嘴。打喷嚏时用你的臂弯遮住,或使用纸巾。然后,要再洗手!
cough 咳嗽
sneeze 喷嚏
microscope 显微镜
all over the world 世界各地的
spread 传播
produce 生产
toxin 毒素
poison 毒;毒药
cause 原因
fever 发热
rash 皮疹
cover 盖;覆盖
crook 弯;弯曲
tissue 纸巾
a. You can see germs on your arm.b. Germs are found only in America.c. You need a microscope to see germs.d. All germs keep us healthy.Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!