


When everybody around you believes that you've got mad, you are one step closer to success.


A few years ago, my sister was still a common employee of a listed company in Beijing, responsible for the contract approval of three branches and some accounting related work of the company.


But my sister said, " I don't wanna live my whole life in such way, I mean to be successful."


Of course, she did it and make it to a certain degree. Coz she seems to be born with excellent foresight over things and life, daring to take adventures.


When everybody around her works hard for begging a living with firm worktime and stable income, she chose to take adventures, starting a business.


Most of our relatives expressed negative comments over this matter, my parents included, saying that my sister has got mad.


After resigning, my sister rented shops for products exhibition and got a company registered with import and export license.


Much work awaits her each day, such as Production Arrangements, Company Running, Tax Declaration, Customs System Operations, etc.

我问她,你发愁么, 累么? 她说,没办法,这就是生活,但我乐在其中。

I used to ask her, "Do you feel tired?"

She always says " That is the real life I want, sometimes, " The sufferings can be enjoyed."


Now, she got herself a company, a factory, a car and a house, all by herself. ( Another building has been sold recently.)


I don't mean to ask you to set up a company or start a business. What I am saying tis, " Life needs changes, sometimes. By Yourself"


Sometimes, we need to put our thoughts or plans into practice and make them real, rather than waiting.

