
我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟美剧, 已经坚持7个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松愉快的方式提升自己的英语? 跟我一起每天做听写吧!


每天早上我会创作一张Wind大长图, 精讲1分钟美剧对白. 每天我会从大长图中节选一条讲解放在这里. 想要学习完整的Wind大长图, 欢迎加入甩掉字幕社群~

3 So, for example, there are doctors in China who believe that it’s their job to keep you healthy. So, any month you are healthy you pay them, and when you’re sick you don’t have to pay them because they failed at their job.

很多童鞋会疑惑: 中医并非如此呀, 并不是健康则付钱, 生病则免费呀.

大家要注意他说的话: there are doctors in China bla bla

他说的不是Doctors in China bla bla

前者的意思是: 中国有一些医生, 后者的意思是: 中国的医生

所以你瞧, 我们所知道的中医是看病付钱, 所以我们assume所有的中医都是如此, 我们assume是演讲者无知. 事实上, most likely, 是我们自己的assumption的反面也是成立的. 我想, 肯定是有一些中医的确是这样操作的.

这种盈利模式也很正常, 这不就是保险吗? 你付钱给我, 你平安我赚钱, 你出问题我帮你解决

并且我感觉, 中医和西医的一大差别的确是: 西医更加强调生病时治愈疾病, 在这一点上它的效果是更佳的; 而中医更加强调一种平衡的状态, 在这一理念上, 的确是比西医更加接近一种终极状态的感觉.


从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 So, I love that sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions we didn’t even know we had,

2 and realize that the opposite of them may also be true.

3 So, for example, there are doctors in China who believe that it’s their job to keep you healthy.

4 So, any month you are healthy you pay them, and when you’re sick you don’t have to pay them because they failed at their job.

5 They get rich when you’re healthy, not sick.

6 In most music, we think of the “one” as the downbeat, the beginning of the musical phrase: one, two, three, four.

7 But in West African music, the “one” is thought of as the end of the phrase, like the period at the end of a sentence.

8 So, you can hear it not just in the phrasing, but the way they count off their music: two, three, four, one.

9 And this map is also accurate.

10 There’s a saying that whatever true thing you can say about India, the opposite is also true.

11 So, let’s never forget, whether at TED, or anywhere else, that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear, that the opposite may also be true.

12 Domo arigato gozaimashita.

