神经科学家长期以来一直认为背注意力网络(指导外部定向认知的网络)和默认网络具有竞争性。背部注意力网络控制着基于任务的认知表现,而默认网络则控制着内部集中的思想,例如自发性思想,与刺激无关的思想,思想游荡和自传计划,这些在大脑静止时会活跃。科学家假设,当注意力网络处于活动状态时,需要抑制默认网络,以防止干扰。现在,神经科学家意识到网络可能并不完全独立或竞争。他们可能比以前相信的更多地协同工作,并且它们各自的表现受到其他大脑网络的调节。人类的大脑喜欢漫游,无方向的思想构成了我们心理体验的很大一部分。可能,我们的大脑将外部信息和认知与内部焦点相结合,以确定个人含义,例如有关过去经验,动机,未来计划和社会背景的知识。根据最近的研究的作者,默认网络和关注网络(以及可能的其他网络)不断交互,以使外部目标与内部含义协调一致。参考文献:Andrews-Hanna JR, Smallwood J, & Spreng RN (2014). The default network and self-generated thought: component processes, dynamic control, and clinical relevance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1316, 29-52 PMID: 24502540Christoff K (2012). Undirected thought: neural determinants and correlates. Brain research, 1428, 51-9 PMID: 22071565Mason MF, Norton MI, Van Horn JD, Wegner DM, Grafton ST, & Macrae CN (2007). Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought. Science (New York, N.Y.), 315 (5810), 393-5 PMID: 17234951Spreng RN, DuPre E, Selarka D, Garcia J, Gojkovic S, Mildner J, Luh WM, & Turner GR (2014). Goal-congruent default network activity facilitates cognitive control. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 34 (42), 14108-14 PMID: 25319706Spreng RN, Sepulcre J, Turner GR, Stevens WD, & Schacter DL (2013). Intrinsic architecture underlying the relations among the default, dorsal attention, and frontoparietal control networks of the human brain. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 25 (1), 74-86 PMID: 22905821Spreng RN, Stevens WD, Chamberlain JP, Gilmore AW, & Schacter DL (2010). Default network activity, coupled with the frontoparietal control network, supports goal-directed cognition. NeuroImage, 53 (1), 303-17 PMID: 20600998