

“理想伴侣”是一种恋爱婚姻的价值观,它体现了人们在恋爱婚姻选择上的取舍,也在一定程度上反映了社会整体的意识形态。婚姻是一种社会行为。因此,它就不是简单的男女两个人在生理意义上的结合,而是文化意义上的一种相互承认、接纳、交融、互动的过程。显然,它要求男女双方不仅具有生理上的互相吸引和投入,更需要在除了生理之外的其他因素上的互相接受和认可,这是婚姻的基本要求。“作为一般的婚姻要素,不外乎以下几个方面:  诸如共同的兴趣爱好,对政治的一致看法,具有相似的社会背景,足够的收入,互敬互让,理解和容忍,性关系的和谐等。而人们对其中的每一项的重要性的评价,也就体现了他们的各自的婚姻观。”  (转引自《观念代差——转型社会的背景(1991-1994)》孙嘉明著,上海社会科学字出版社,1997年)

美国社会的婚恋观曾发生过巨大的变化。上世纪70年代,美国曾实行了一种叫做"无过错离异合法化"的法律。该法律一出台,即刻引发了一波离婚高潮。而事实上,离婚潮在1980年代到达顶峰,之后便逐渐回落了。美国2015年的离婚率降至35年来最低水平。2015年,美国15岁及以上的已婚女性中,每1000人仅16.9人离婚,为1980年以来的最低水平(那年的这一比例为23千分比)。而2014年的这一数值为17.6千分比。下图大致描述了美国社会自1970年到2015年结婚率和离婚率的变化趋势。结婚率(蓝色线)大幅下降,而离婚率(红色线)则走出了一个倒V型,即近几年略有收敛 。从下图可以看出,就2015年离婚与结婚的比例而言,大致上达到50%左右(结婚率32.3千分比,离婚率16.9千分比)。而这一数字常常被误用为美国社会的离婚率。



1,“从你的角度来看,理想类型的丈夫是怎样的? (女学生回答这个问题)”;

2,“从你的角度来看,理想类型的妻子是怎样的? (男学生回答这个问题)”。




The pure model of husband would be one that has a relationship with God.  A husband supports his wife and is nonjudgmental, forgiving, and works toward goals together. A true husband is not lead away by lust, he loves his wife for what she is.


My ideal husband is someone who is there for me whenever I need him, lo friend and lover, and a wonderful father to our children. An ideal husband is someone who can handle any situation and can forgive me when things aren't done the way they are supposed to be I believe I already have that husband minus the romantic part that is required of the ideal husband.


my ideal type for a husband is someone who is a good listener, trustworthy, loving, compassionate, and shares the same faith I do. Also, he must love children be able to control his anger and get along with my family. He must be educated and have a great sense of humor.


To me, the ideal husband would be a southern gentleman, charming, educated, have the sophistication, attractive, your best friend, lover, and confidant, be the backbone of the family, caring, loves children and family (whether immediate or extend), supportive, humorous, witty, faithful, in other words he would be the person that I am already married to.


My ideal husband would be someone that is a hard worker, smart, good with animals, gets along with my parents, and should be a police officer.

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An ideal husband would be caring and gentle, kind and generous, have a firm belief in who he is and stands up for what is right, good family ties and strong religious beliefs, and a passion for children, singing, and good food.



My point of view of an ideal husband would include qualities such as: a strong relationship with God, a love for children and people in general, a generous personality, a sports fan(preferably volleyball, basketball, and football), passionate about the mental and physical health of his family good to his parents, a shoulder to lean on, a good communicator, romantic, mysterious strong, truthful, confident, educated on what is going on in this world, willing to give back to his community, and willing to tell people of all creeds about the goodness of the Lord.


The ideal husband for me is a guy that knows how to respect women and shows that he knows how. He should take care of his family at all cost and be faithful to his wife. He should also be a God-fearing man, who has the word at heart.


I grew up watching that television show Home Improvement. Ya know, the one starring Tim the "Tool Man" Taylor. Anyways, I guess the "ideals" of a perfect husband have rubbed off on what I would consider the perfect man. Those qualities would include: Being handy around the house, Ability to work on cars, Strong, Funny, Faithful, Successful and able to take care of his family, Loving.


From my point of view and ideal husband should have faith in God. He must also be loyal and have respect for themselves so they can be respectful of others. He must be a loving and caring person. Must also be responsible and have the ambition to be successful in life. He must also want person. children.



My ideal husband would be: fun-loving, honest, caring, kind, Courageous, protective of our family, want children, enjoy helping others, not afraid to speak his mind about his beliefs and emotions, ambitious, hardworking, very family oriented with both of our families, faithful, humorous, attractive, my best friend, someone I never tire of being with, an animal lover.



my ideal type of husband would love God and attend church regularly with family, love unconditionally, put children before all others and want to spend time with them and wife of course, but would also have separate interests that could enjoy also. Hardworking, honest, loving. Someone who is strong both mentally and physically.


From my point of view, an ideal husband would have such qualities including: faith relationship with Christ, passion for ministry, love of people, patience, honesty, integrity, humor, ability to compromise, ability to be the leader of the family, good father, an interest in culture and travel, ability to forgive, romantic and a heart for service.



My pure model of an Ideal Husband is one that has a personal and close relationship with God. One who respects his wife at all times. my husband to take care of his body can be him to do this by not smoking and working out, like me.I want my husband to know how to do things around the house, such a cooking and cleaning. I also want him to have some type of education.


A pure and ideal type model for a husband for me does not really exist because the ideal man does not exist. We all have flaws and being perfect is not obtainable. I look for qualities such as honesty, integrity and his belief in God to determine my ideal man.



In my opinion, an ideal type husband is 1st and foremost, a man that loves God and puts him 1st in everything that he does. A man that loves and cares for his family under any circumstances one who listens, is kind-hearted, and willing to make sacrifices for his companion/family. An ideal husband would be a man who is hard-working, trustworthy, reliable, and one who strives for success in everything he does...


The ideal type of a husband is: Honest and has integrity, Hard-working, Intelligent and Educated, Attractive,  Well maintained and clean, Budgets and invests money well, Loves sports, but not too much, open to the idea of not having his own children but helping less fortunate ones, Mature but likes to have fun, Respects the wife and her career, Has a good relationship with the family.




From my point of view, an ideal husband is someone who is faithful, loyal, loving, attentive and good looking (sorry if there is no attraction, it's not gonna work), good with children, thoughtful, loves God, family oriented, good in bed, and puts me before himself.




In my opinion, the ideal husband would be one who is honest, hardworking, attractive, confident but not cocky, funny, sweet, caring, and who loves the outdoors, supports his wife in all that she does, loves his children, and loves animals. I think that when it comes to choosing a partner for life it should be one that has all of the qualities that you love and one or two that you can learn to live with because that's what keeps it interesting.




The Ideal husband for me is someone who not only respects me but also the people I am around. I also that there should be complete Trust and Love in the relationship. There should also be a love of God.




My ideal type of husband is a MAN that puts God first, DOESN’T CHEAT, good with kids, loving, kind-hearted and most of all a good friend because without friendship you can never be a husband.




My ideal type of a wife is someone that is first a God fearing woman that is saved. Someone that is submissive to her man, and puts her man first, over everyone else except all mighty God. Someone that is not into materialistic things.


From my perspective, an ideal type of wife would be attractive (because, honestly, it has to start at attraction), have a good sense of humor, be fun to be around, be well-educated and have strong convictions and morals, relaxed (not uptight), and be caring (and have the traits of a good future mother).


my ideal wife would be someone that has a strong faith in God, she would be open and honest, gets along with her family and my family, doesn't hate all my friends, has a good sense of humor and can put up with my goofy butt, down to earth, likes to travel and be active, cares about how she looks to a degree, and has some of the same interests that I do, whether it's in music, sports (football, hockey, NASCAR) or whatever.


From my point of view, an ideal type of wife is educated, intelligent, goal-oriented, independent, honest, funny, and outgoing. However, ideal types are usually dependent on current cultural values and may differ cross-culturally depending on the era and the society.



My ideal wife would have the following characteristics; Sense of Humor, Nurturing, Loyalty, Affectionate, Educated, Ambitious, Family, and Service-oriented, Physically Healthy. And above all my best friend, lover and soul mate.




My ideal type of a wife would be a woman who is compassionate and humble but someone who expects the same amount of respect she gives. She has a good sense of humor and better taste than I. She is a dreamer but believes actions speak louder than words. She is smart, loyal and believes that love conquers all.


An ideal wife for me would be compassionate, loving, mindful, not attached to too many material possessions, and probably the most important of all, have a sense of humor.



My idea of a perfect wife is one who does not only respect you as their mate, but is also your best friend, the person whom you confide everything and the person who loves you not for your good qualities, but cherishes you for your flaws Example: my grandparents prior to my grandfather's passing were married for 60 years and never had a single fight.


完美或理想的妻子将是一个有着杰西卡·阿尔巴(Jessica Alba)身体的女人,有着像蕾切尔.雷(Rachael Ray)的烹饪技巧,可以准备好(穿着打扮,化妆和头发实际上在10分钟以内,但仍然看起来非常美的,我已经有了完美的妻子,爱我这样的人,她是优秀的母亲,她是热烈的,她喜欢做饭!她是我所知道的最聪明的人之一,但有可怕的判断(她与我结婚),如此幸运为她的缺点。(杰西卡·阿尔芭,美国影视演员。1993年,杰西卡参演了她的银幕处女作《疯狂夏令营》。2001年,杰西卡获得第58届美国金球奖剧情类剧集最佳女主角提名。蕾切尔.雷是美国电视主持人,女商人,名人厨师和作家。她曾主持了日常谈话和生活方式和三个食物网络系列节目。)

The perfect or ideal wife would be a woman that has the body of Jessica Alba, the cooking skills of Rachael Ray, and can get ready (dress, makeup, and hair in 10 minutes or less, but still look awesome. Actually, I've already got the perfect wife who loves me for who I am, who is an excellent mother, who is hot, and who loves to cook! She is one of smartest people I know but has a terrible judgment (she married me) Nam so lucky for her flaw.

综合此次小范围非正式调查的资料,大致可以归纳出受调查的这一群体的美国大学生的“理想伴侣”基本模式,包括身体层面、精神层面、社会层面、能力层面 PSSC(Physical, Spiritual, Social, Capable)四个维度


(Physical:  Healthy, Charming, Attractive, Strong, Affectionate)


(Spiritual, Faithful, Loving, Loyalty, Close relation to God, Honest, Integrity)


(Social, Enjoy helping others, Nurturing, Romantic, Compassionate, Responsibility)

4,能力层面的理想要求:受过教育,在家里方便,能够在汽车上工作,聪明和学习(Capable: educated, Being handy around the house, Ability work on a car, Smart and learner)


美国青年人的婚姻观相对比较单纯、保守以及受宗教信仰的成份影响相当大,与国内年轻人在婚姻观上的时代性和功利性特点似乎大相径庭。一句打油诗表达了社会上人们对婚姻价值观变化的嘲讽: “五十年代嫁军人,六十年代嫁模范,七十年代嫁干部,八十年代嫁经理,九十年代嫁老外。” 这当然是一种比较绝对化的概括,但毕竟体现了国内年轻人在不同时代社会风气的影响之下浮躁的心态以及婚恋观的变化,当然也在很大程度上反映了社会文化的变迁。


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  • 海外校园观察:由校园下半旗引起的对“差序格局”的反思

