New Words:request [rɪˈkwest] n.(正式或礼貌的) 要求,请求; 要求的事;tone-deaf [ˌtəʊn ˈdef] adj.不能辨别音高的;mic hog [maɪk hɒɡ] 麦霸;nerve [nɜːv] n. 勇气; 气魄;block [blɒk] v. 挡住(某人的视线等); 妨碍;K歌必会的表达:1.I'd like to request a song.我想点首歌。2.You sing first.你先唱。3. Now it's my turn.该我了。
4. I'm tone-deaf.我五音不全。5. I'm not good at singing.我不善于唱歌。6. I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people.我不敢在大家面前唱歌。7. He is a mic hog.他是个麦霸。mic king (男声麦霸)mic queen(女声麦霸)
8. You're blocking the screen.你挡屏幕了。9. Could you please lower the key for me?你可以帮我降个调吗?10.You’re such a great singer.你唱得真棒。 那么在K歌的时候,你通常会点哪些歌呢?记得留言分享给我哦!