4月26日 你不再是你了
小玛丽(鼓励洛奇·巴尔博挑战曼森·迪克松):你这人,充满生命的个体。我们都有这种感觉,这种激情。但不是都有机会来释放的,然后激情就会慢慢消失。但你可以,你有机会。去吧,为什么不呢?这才是你,这才是真正的你!你从不听任何人使唤,总是坚持自己的路。别人怎么看没关系,重要的是你怎么看。洛奇,重要的是你怎么看!如果这是你不得不做的事,那就去做吧。拳手永远战斗(Fighters fight)!
你不是想揍我吧 啊?
You're not gonna punch me, are you?
你要知道 与你生活并不容易
You know, living with you, it hasn't been easy.
人们看到我 但想的确是你
People see me but they think of you.

现在不仅这样 而且比以前更坏了
Now with all this going on, it's gonna be worse than ever.
事情并不非要这样 -就是这样!
-It don't have to be. -Sure it does!
-为什么? 孩子 你有很多东西啊 -什么 我的姓?
-Why? You've got a lot going on, kid. -What, my last name?
That's the reason I got a decent job.

That's why people deal with me in the first place.
Now I start to get a little ahead
我开始有属于自己世界了 但是这事就发生了
I start to get a little something for myself, and this happens.
现在 我求你能不能不参加这比赛了
Now, I'm asking you as a favor not to go through with this.
这对你不会是好结果 对我也不会是好结果
This is gonna end up bad for you, and it's gonna end up bad for me.
-你认为我伤害了你? -是 在某方面 是的
-You think I'm hurting you? -Yeah. In a way, you are.

That's the last thing I ever wanted to do.
我知道你不想 但是事情就是这样发展的
I know that's not what you wanna do, but that's just the way that it is.
你不管人们怎么想吗? 人们拿你作笑话
Don't you care what people think? Doesn't it bother you that people
你不着急吗? 然后我也会被卷进来?
are making you out to be a joke and that I'll be included in that?
你认为这样对吗? 啊?
Do you think that's right? Do you?

你不会相信这些的 但你过去就这么打
You ain't gonna believe this, but you used to fit right here.
我握着你 对你的妈妈妈说
I'd hold you up and say to your mother:
This kid is gonna be the best kid in the world.
This kid is gonna be somebody better than anybody ever knew.
然后你长大了 健康又令人惊奇
And you grew up good and wonderful.
看你长大真是奇妙 每天都是上天赐给我的
It was great just watching, every day was like a privilege.

然后到了你我的妈妈的时候了 承担起了你的世界
Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world
你确实这样 但是沿着线的某处 你变了
and you did. But somewhere along the line, you changed.
You stopped being you.