Theme: Venus V Earth EA, Mars MA. Around Venus there is a dyson sphere, three gems symbolizing love, contribution, kindness and water, five main finger rings in the hands of BEN, JY, ZY, FEN, XL, respectively, gather five main rings, find three gems, drive dyson sphere, transform Venus, and human beings will get eternal happiness, but among them involving conflict, twists and reconciliation, wellbeing and sadness, reverse, final victory!

The main plot of the story: Through compete fiercelyhow to gather together five rings and Whoever gather together five Finger rings in exchange for three precious stones will eventually dominate the world and become a hero, including push-pull love (lovers and rivals in love), brotherhood (good brothers and bad brothers), sisterhood (good sisters and bad sisters), Loyalty and filial piety seldom go together and we can't conceive of dreaming in both dimensions at the same time, but it is possible to have a double harvest of love and career.

It deeply dissects human nature, hits the nail on the head, hits the mark with a single comment, right piercingly. It integrates various natural and social sciences and all aspects of people's lives, such as history, biology, geography, politics, Chinese, mathematics, English, chemistry, people's well-being, education, medical care, science and technology, economy, entertainment and humanity.

Synopsis of the story: Ben was born in Shenzhen, DLH District, an upper-middle-class family, planet V, how to struggle with monsters from childhood to adulthood, with success and failure, the more setbacks, the more brave he is, trying and making mistakes, summing up experience, clear goals, firmness, perseverance, confusion, disappointment and even despair, but persisting in not flinching, moving on, and finally relying on efforts, persistence and perseverance has achieved himself'lives goal.

Chapter 1: Little BEN grows up preliminarily and new star takes off.

With a loud blare in the sky, a flash of lightning broke through the skyline. In the second galaxy hospital in DLH district, SZ city, v planet, there comes the sound of babies been born with cries. BEN and KEN, the twin brothers, are lucky to become members of the solar system. Meanwhile, Ms. FEN and Mr. ZY were born on the first-line planet EA in the solar system. And Ms. XL and Mr. JY were born on the MA planet one after another. BEN and KEN's baby room have everything: they are taken care of by all-round and complete service robots, including diet (water, milk and liquid food), immerse (water, sunshine and air), sports (crawlling, rolling and swimming) environment (panoramic reality 99.999% simulation) (ocean, mountains, animals and plants), and rest (SPA, beautiful music, peaceful night). All this is provided free of charge to the maximum extent in the solar system. Of course, in addition to these, there are their parents' daily company (the solar system law stipulates that parents must have three years' maternity leave). This is to ensure that everyone in the solar system has a good period of infancy, and also to have a better relationship of affection and trust between parents and children, and to lay the foundation for a harmonious life in the future.

In a twinkling,BEN and KEN, FEN and ZY, XL and JY have all grown up to three years old. The laws of the solar system stipulate that all members of the solar system must receive all-round free quality education before the age of 18. Definitely, the EA Planet, which is known as the leader of education, all people desire to enter. After screening and examination, BEN, KEN and XL have been assigned to Class 3 of the First Galaxy Affiliated Kindergarten, FEN and ZY have been assigned to Class 1, and JY has been assigned to Class 2.

In kindergarten, Little BEN had a strange affection for XL. Strange to say, little BEN and XL have become deskmates. They studied and played games together. Once in the game, Xiao BEN hugged XL happily, but XL was wronged and wept silently. The teacher and classmates comforted her, but BEN stood aside and looked confused and helpless. Later, Little BEN acquared that XL had been cried because she had heard that girls would have children when they hugged boys, so she cried wronged. After repeated explanations from her parents, she seemed to believe it was nothing to hug. BEN also asked his mother, "Will I really have children when I hold XL?" Little BEN's mother said, "Son, you watch everyone hug each other on TV and they are OK, so don't believe this cheating on children'thing." "Mom, will XL ignore me in the future?" "Silly son, the misunderstanding between children will be cleared up in two or three days. Say an apology to XL, and then study and play with her." "I know, my mother loves little BEN most doh, thank you, Mom." Little BEN kissed her face and cheeks mischievously and smiled happily.

After spending a happy kindergarten life, our protagonists entered the primary school affiliated to the First Galaxy. FEN and ZY were remained assigned to Class One. At this time, ZY held the position of monitor and concurrently represented the math class, while FEN held the position of deputy monitor and concurrently represented the Chinese class. ZY grew handsome as she grew older, playing basketball well and practicing calligraphy well. FEN is naturally beautiful and is good at singing, dancing and making speeches. Sometimes, when other students see that they need to be in company because of their studies, they laugh secretly: "you too are a perfect match". What proves them even more is that in a primary school mathematics competition, their scores were the same, and they were all second prizes. Isn't this God's plan? In that primary school mathematics competition, Little BEN won the first prize for his outstanding performance, while XL won the second prize with some regret at losing a few points.

Time flies, and our protagonists have ushered in junior high school life. Although Little BEN did well in his studies, he was unable to join the basketball team of the school he had long admired because of his small physique. Although there was no coach's guidance, BEN was unwilling, so he viewed and emulated how his classmates played basketball and practiced by himself. Whether it is the hot sun or the cold winter, he persists.By auditing, he knew that the palm of his hand was slightly curved when dribbling, and his centre of the palm could not directly touch the spherical surface. The ball could not be higher than the knee when dribbling low, and the ball could not be higher than the shoulder when dribbling high. When pitching the ball, rotate inward and pitch the ball in parabola. But little BEN found that pitching with one hand and the other hand single helping ball was not suitable for him. First, his physique is small, his strength is small, shooting with one hand isn't suitable for him. Second, his shooting with two hands is more balanced than that with one hand. Third, he seems to be more accurate than the coach, saying to the team members that they lift the basketball high and then pitch it. He pitches the basketball from his chest. Chest.h the pitching mether is not very formal, what does it matter as long as it can be shot accurately? In this way, after constant learning, observation, research and practice, Little BEN's basketball made rapid progress. Finally, the inter-class basketball game came. Yes, Little BEN was also on the starting list. One of the balls, Lillte BEN, completed an attack classically with his usual training of fast running, abrupt stop, passing, catching, fake action and three-step hurdle, scored two points and received thunderous cheers: "There is always a reward for giving, and everything is possible! If no one teaches me, I will observe how others practice. If it is not suitable for me, I will try my best to find the one that is suitable for me. As long as I persist, I will grow and improve day by day. Whatever place, whatever time! I must have such beliefs and ideas, come on, BEN. "After BEN's meditation in his heart for a bit, the competition continues ——————.

