
专栏 作家
Almost all those who visit the Forbidden City would lean towards the glass windowpanes of the Palace of Earthly Tranquility and see what’s inside. The palace was used as the bridal chamber of the emperors in the Qing dynasty. Palace lanterns hang high up in the building, and the quilt embroidered with lively children on the wedding bed remains bright-colored. Then, one may notice something curious – three big iron woks! Did the queens prepare meat here?
Well, that’s right. In the Qing dynasty, the Palace was also used for Shamanist worship, and preparing boiled streaky pork was an important part of the Shamanist rituals. Sacrificial pork was offered in the morning and evening every day. More than that, the emperor and the queen would attend all major sacrificial ceremonies, and be present at rituals held on the first and fifteenth day of every month in the lunar calendar. The pork from the rituals was not wasted but shared by the guardsmen, just as the old saying goes, 'Offerings, offerings - your piety to the deities, and things nice to treat yourself.’ In those days, high-pitched voices of the eunuchs could be heard from the Gate of Heavenly Purity in the early mornings, 'gentlemen, enjoy the meat, please!’ and the guards would come and collect their portions of meat at the entrance of the Palace of Earthly Tranquility. The eunuchs took out the pork dices sprinkled with salt on the vermilion wooden plates, and the guards justtore the meat apart and ate it by hand. The ministers also had opportunities to have sacrificial pork. According to A Brief Record of Night Duties, 'pork is given to the prime minister and ministers at the Palace of Earthly Tranquility three times a year ’. The boiled streaky pork offered to the princelings and ministers was elegantly named 'crystal food’, and was eaten in a more civilized way - the meat was cut into thin slices with sheath knives, then presented in the bowls, and enjoyed with birch wood chopsticks.
Initially no spice was added when pork was boiled at the Palace of Earthly Tranquility. Gradually, this primitive way of cooking became unbearable for the aristocrats and senior officials as they had bid farewell to nomadic lives and been enjoying nice food and clothes for long. Somebody somehow came up with the idea of soaking paper in high quality soy sauce to make a kind of sauce paper. When the plain boiled pork was served, the diners would pretend to clean their knives and plates with a piece of sauce paper. This way, the sauce from the paper could be added to the pork, making it much tastier.
Having plain boiled streaky pork was a tradition not only in the imperial palace but also in the residences of princes. If the princes hadn’t finished their pork, they would give the leftover to their servants. In 1741, a watchman from the residence of Prince Ding opened a restaurant by the mansion in the stoneware market. He used a particularly large ceramic pot to boil plain streaky meat for sale. Moreover, he improved the traditional way of meat preparing to cater to the taste of ordinary people. As a result, his restaurant became a big success and over time, diners referred to it as the Ceramic Pot Restaurant. Learning the arrogant style from his boss, the owner would only prepare the meat of one pig each day. If the pork was sold out before noon, he would only remove the signboard and close the restaurant. Thus an allegorical phrase was created in Beijing: the signboard of the Ceramic Pot Restaurant – waiting for no one after mid-day. It’s a pity that nowadays the restaurant serves streaky pork in small ceramic pots only, not the original meat boiled in a large pot.
Boiled streaky pork has taken root in Beijing. During the summer times, native Beijingers would usually have the dish  several times at home. In the dog days when birds sing happily in the locust trees, it is a common scene that a man in a white vest is boiling pork patiently in a quiet courtyard. He stands beside the kitchen stove, with the kitchen window open. When he opens the wok cover with one hand and waves his fan with another, the smell of the pork spreads in the yard. Little girls skipping and dancing over chains of rubber bands would sing cheerfully below the deep green loofah vines: 'let’s recite the flower names. On June 6th, old ladies like to eat boiled streaky pork…’
Boiled streaky pork is prepared and eaten by the common people in ways very different from that in the Forbidden City back in the Qing dynasty. Streaky meat together with the pigskin is usually washed clean and cut into large pieces. Then the meat is put into a wok with the skin facing upward. Spices like numbing pepper and aniseed are added while the meat is being boiled. The broth must remain boiled, And the meat must not be turned over and water not be added halfway. The pork is ready when it is 90% cooked and can be poked through with a chopstick. At this time the pigskin feels soft when pinched with fingers. Always remember not to add soy sauce when the pork is being boiled.
Then the boiled pork should be taken out of the wok and left to cool before it is cut into large, transparent slices. The pork slices will be arranged nicely on the plate, and served with a sauce made of soy sauce, mashed garlic, chopped scallion pieces, chili oil and sesame oil. Then time to enjoy! The plain pork is tender and mellow, and the pigskin is chewy, inviting you to eat one piece after another. .
The Chinese place a lot of emphasis on getting the original taste out of the ingredients when they prepare food. The boiled streaky pork is tender yet not mashed, and thin yet not,  minced. Plain and delicious, it features a simple yet genuine flavor.

作者: 崔岱远 
出版社: 商务印书馆
出版年: 2014-7
页数: 343
定价: 39.00元
装帧: 精装
