手把手教你报税系列三:RSU 报税有多少人做错!
这里来解释一下什么是 IRS Notice CP 2000。简单的说就是你的1040上报的税的信息和IRS 从第三方收到的信息不一样。最常见的就是W2和1099 的信息不match:
When a tax return’s information doesn’t match data reported to the Internal Revenue Service by employers, banks and other third parties, the IRS will send a letter to the taxpayer. The letter is called an IRS Notice CP 2000, and it gives detailed information about issues the IRS identified and provides steps taxpayers should take to resolve those issues.


5 – Noncovered security
6 – Gross or Net Proceeds, and columns 1c, 1d, 4, 15 and 16.
1e – Cost or Other Basis
1f – Accrued Market Discount
1g – Wash Sale Loss Disallowed

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