坚持每日长难句四六级考研冲刺高分请复习至少前三日的长难句请戳下面的⬇️20170319 长难句每日一句20170318 长难句每日一句20170317 长难句音频解析今天长难句的难点是:more than..., 表示不仅仅;造句:Mr. Sky told dirty jokes in class time, and more than imparted knowledge. (Mr.Sky 在上课时间不仅讲知识,还讲黄色笑话)1【昨日长难句】The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living.【今日长难句】They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.音频解析
2【句子分段】They may teach very well,|| and more than earn their salaries,|| but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems || which involve moral judgment.3【句子分析】1. 联系上下文可知they 指代teachers;该句为由but链接的并列句。2. 前半句:they may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries. 其中more than 表“不仅仅、除。。。外”。前半句译为:教师可能擅长教书/教师可能教书教的很好,而且不仅仅是挣工资。3. 后半句为主谓宾结构:most of them/ make /little or no independent reflections on human problems. 译为:大部分教师很少或没有对人类问题进行独立思考。which involve moral judgment 为定语从句,定语从句较短时,可译为“的”结构,即:涉及到道德判断的。4【词的处理】more than …不仅仅make reflections on反思…, 思考…independent adj. 独立的5【参考译文】教师可能擅长教书,而且不仅仅是在挣工资,但是大部分教师很少或没有对涉及道德判断的人类问题进行独立的思考。6【明日长难句预告】This description even fits the majority eminent scholars. Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing; living in “public and industrious thoughts,” as Emerson would say, is something else.虽素未谋面,但真的爱你推荐您戳下面👇的链接阅读学习:四六级考研备考三点建议“三步”搞定长难句---拆分+切块翻译+组合四六级翻译必考:数字的翻译强调句式精讲写译45组高频词我们为什么会相爱?记得今晚明晨各看一遍效果会更好Never give up any opportunityto learn and make progressyou will eventually succeed!