[第25次听写] 斯隆女士(四) 甩掉字幕看电影

我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈, 我打算每天早上做1分钟听写, 看看自己能坚持多久. 把你听到的句子写在评论里和我一起坚持. 这周我们来挑战一部有难度的电影, 看看会不会被虐哭.


Our polling data tells us(is telling us) that we’re not connecting with the female voter.
So, we want to change the narrative.
From mothers losing their kids to guns to mothers protecting their kids with guns.
From a battered wife threatened by a bullet to fending off her violent husband with a 38.
Guns as tools of female empowerment.
What’s the saying, God created humans, Samuel Colt made them equal?
Now, Liz, imagine a new organization.
Pitch(pitched) at women. who are deterred by the strong rhetoric of the second amendment groups,
and by our association with the political right,
but no links to us.
no baggage.
no over position(overt position) on guns.
And you will build it up, you will drive its agenda, and slowly but surely,
you will turn those members into paid up guardians of the second amendment.


1 把is telling us听成了tells us, 失误.
2 pitch虽然觉得好像导致上下句语法不太顺畅, 但是想不出别的方案, 结果是pitched, 这样就顺畅了.
3 over position字典上查不到, 猜可能是太过用力的意思, 意思对了, 但没想到竟然是overt, 重音错乱唉.
4 另外几个比较难的点是to fending off容易听成defending, 但语法就不当了; as容易听成are, 但也是语法不通顺.
5 Samuel Colt这个我是根据上下文语境知道肯定是一个gun lobbyists喜欢的角色然后去搜索得到答案, rhetorical是我们比较熟悉的, 但rhetoric则不那么熟悉, 而且中间的t被浊化为d, 容易听不出来.
6 怎么样, 是不是很爽?

