月亮掉下来了 | 小木屋原创英文故事系列

The Moon Fell Down



The Moon Fell Down


It was a night in one summer. A little boy named Tommy was sleeping in his bed. However, he could not sleep well, because he was worrying about the moon, which seemed to fall off the sky. Though his grandma said that it would never happen, Tommy the boy kept awake, thinking about it.

Suddenly, a beam of light shined brightly through the window. Then the sky became deep dark again. Tommy's heart beat fast and he got up immediately running out of the house with a lamp in his hand.

He saw a group of fireflies twinkling in the field, and seemed to say help!

Tommy ran to the place where the little creatures gathered together, and he found the moon fallen into the water in the filed and lost her light.

Tommy touched the moon and hugge it with his lamp glittering. Gradually, the moon recovered, with the moonlight brightened the sky again.

Goodnight Summer~

Goodnight Fireflies~

Goodnight Moon~

插图 | Lost7

