Just to improve my poor English

I have lived abroad for almost three years. But today I found an  embarrassing fact, I have great difficulty in reading and speaking English. In addition, my german is also barely enough for daily life like shopping.

I have written many short texts in Chinese. I don't need to consider too much about vocabularies or grammer when expressing my idees. But if in English, I am still a primary student. I plan to search some interesting articles and then translate them into Chinese as feasible practices.

I am learning the python, so I want to introduce it. Python is programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Numpy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with python. Vectorization, indexing, and broadcasting concepts are the de-facto standards of array computing today.

the technic has changes our life......

Python is everywhere.

According to the 2019’s StackOverflow’s Developer Survey, it is the 2nd most loved programming language in the world.

Over the past 4 years, Python has constantly been the 3rd most popular language among GitHub contributors.

Even here at CV Compiler, we use Python as a core language for our resume-processing engine.

Our love for Python made us go even further — with the use of NLTK and spaCy, we have created own text analytics tool. (Without it, you won’t be reading this data-proven list of skills a modern Pythonista should have.)

Actually, here is the result of our efforts — the comprehensive set of skills you as a Python dev need to stay marketable in 2019.

What skills do I need to succeed as a Python dev in 2019?

Jointly with our team, we took 300 job specs for Python developers, scrapped from StackOverflow, AngelList, LinkedIn, and some fast-growing tech companies worldwide. From all these descriptions, we extracted the skills which were mentioned the most frequently, and here they are. (The numbers refer to the number of mentions.)

Among the other frequently-mentioned skills not highlighted in this chart were Unit Testing (32), Continuous Deployment (30), MongoDB (30), and OOP (30). If talking about the Machine Learning skills, the most commonly-mentioned ones were Pandas (29), NumPy (24), SciPy (15), and Scikit-Learn (11).

Surely, the necessity of these skills depends on how you use Python. If you’re a Machine Learning Engineer, you don’t need to know Django perfectly, and so on.

Please note: This research shows the overall tendencies in the employment market, not the preferences of Python developers themselves. This rating may differ from the list of technologies most devs prefer to use in their work. For some Python insights, turn to Python Developers Survey by Python Software Foundation, or Octoverse by GitHub.


in the first picture, the bird throw the stones into the water and the water level rise, because the stones occupied the space. He did this repeatly until the water overflows. In the second picture, the bird become more briliant, he finds a straw. So he can drink the water directly. And in the last picture, he creates a new type of straw. As we see, he lies on the chair and enjoies his life comfortably.

