Astronomy Picture of the Day——星像迹线与春分日出
Discover the cosmos! Each day a differentimage or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a briefexplanation written by a professional astronomer.

Star Trails and the Equinox Sunrise
Image Credit & Copyright: Juan CarlosCasado (TWAN, Earth and Stars)
Acknowledgement: Andrea Rodriguez Anton
Explanation: Stars trail and the Sun risesin this night and day composite panorama made on March 19. The view lookstoward the eastern horizon from La Nava de Santiago, Spain. To create it, acontinuous series of digital frames was recorded for about two hours andcombined to trace the concentric motion of the stars through the night sky. Areflection of the Earth's rotation, star trails curve around the northcelestial pole toward upper left and the south celestial pole toward the lowerright. Of course on that day the Sun was near the celestial equator, a diagonalstraight line in the wide-angle projection. A dense dimming filter was used tocapture the Sun's image every two minutes. Superimposed on the star trails itrose due east in the morning sky. In the scene, foreground landscape and alocal prehistoric monument were illuminated by full moonlight, though. Themonument's corridor faces nearly to the east and the equinox sunrise.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——WISE拍摄的猎户星云红外光影像
Astronomy Picture of the Day——北半球冬季天空的交响乐
Astronomy Picture of the Day——土卫二上的虎纹