Douglas的自白 #EachforEqual

Douglas's hands-out equal pose


My name is Douglas.
I think I received the most orthodox exam-oriented education in China since my childhood. My parents told me to be a learning machine without feelings.
“don't make friends, don't talk to others after class, as a girl dont pursue beauty, dont think too much, dont get distracted, you only need to learn"
I did not have my own character, personality, or worldview...
My mother died of cancer in the year of my upper secondary school entrance examination.
My step-father had no duty to raise me as I have my biological father.
Perhaps because I was just an empty shell without feelings, after this huge misfortune, I was vulnerable, fragmented.
Before I had time to repair myself, what my relatives encouraged me were:
"study hard and be strong, because you are a girl”
"you don't have to work too hard, relax, because girls don't have to be too good, do not be outstanding, otherwise it is mighty, no one will like you.
In my three years of upper secondary school, I quickly built up my own personality, but I am not sure it were built too fast or in lack of solid foundation, therefore sometimes I feel like I may fall off.
I like the black and white colour, like painting, like tattoo design, like diablo and extravagant costumes makeup look.
I used to have red hair, and now four tattoos.
All the comments I got from people were:
"You are a girl, in such guise nausea, like prostitutes, not student, can normal point, only not good study road gangs! "
"Your painting is beautiful but why don't you add some colour to it? I cannot understand why a girl would to paint it in such a dark way."
"Girls should be dignified, quiet, pure, kind, don't wear too grandiose, not too exposed, not too sexy, don't have short hair, don't dye hair, don't tattoo, don't piercing, learn to cook, learn to clean, give birth to children..."
"Ooh, crazy feminists! You are not a good woman!"
Hermione's feelings:
I wish I had known you earlier, wish I can be with you, I will hug you and tell you something different: My mind image of you is like you are the leading character in a comic book, even you had some painful experiences and misfortunes, you are still a hero walking with red hair in the wind.
I do not think that you are without feelings, on the contrary, I would argue that you are sensitive with rich and delicate emotions. That is why you can recall so many details, remembering so many comments and so-called "care". From my perspectives, these people may not all be people who truly love you, they may love the person they think you can be, but if you are not very fond of any people who gave you the previous comments, their opinions for not become influential to you.
Why not spend more time with the people you like and the things you want to do? You can spend more time in finding people you share common goals or interests, going hand-in-hand with them, and someone maybe your future family.