



Examining pregnancy and its role in aging
Women undergo significant physical, hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy and childbirth. Now, researchers are trying to understand how these major life events affect the female aging process that follows.
  • hormonal: 荷尔蒙的、激素的


The research is still in its early stages and is a broad area involving the investigation of several biological markers of aging. These include telomeres, or the end caps of chromosomes that have been shown to shorten as we age; epigenetics, the study of whether certain genes get turned on and off; and microchimerism, a fascinating phenomenon where cells from mom and baby go back and forth across the placenta during pregnancy, with some colonizing long-term in one or both bodies.
telomere: 端粒,是存在于真核细胞线状染色体末端的一小段DNA-蛋白质复合体,它与端粒结合蛋白一起构成了特殊的“帽子”结构,作用是保持染色体的完整性和控制细胞分裂周期。端粒其长度反映细胞复制史及复制潜能,被称作细胞寿命的“ 有丝分裂钟”。
  • chromosome: 染色体
  • epigenetic: 表观遗传的
  • microchimerism: 微嵌合,由于某一个体的少量细胞转移到另一个体内所造成的。多见于怀孕妇女及器官移植受体中。
  • go back and forth: 来来回回,来回穿梭
  • placenta: 胎盘
  • colonize: 开辟殖民地、占领,这里指“留在...中”


So far, the results are varied. Some studies report that pregnancy and childbirth dramatically accelerate aging in women at the cellular level. Other research, though, suggests that motherhood and pregnancy may slow down the aging process.


These types of contradictions are bound to be found during the early stages of research, said Dan Eisenberg, a biological anthropologist at the University of Washington, who does work in the area.
  • be bound to: 一定会
  • anthropologist: 人类学家


“Any single study could be wrong even when the scientists are doing everything right,” he said. “Part of the way that science works is that people look at similar questions all around the world. Then we combine those studies to look at trends and narrow in on what is true.”


Last year, Eisenberg and his colleagues published a paper in the journal Scientific Reports, which found that with each pregnancy a mother’s telomeres appear to be about four months to four years older than those of her peers without children.


Telomeres sit at the end of chromosomes, the threadlike structures that contain our genetic material. Telomeres are kind of like the hard end of shoelaces and serve as a form of protection for the chromosome. When telomeres get too short, cells die and stop replicating. Shorter telomeres are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and other health conditions. Although telomeres are known to shorten in all humans with age, certain things, such as cigarette smoking, a high body mass index and major stress may accelerate the shortening process. Good sleep, regular exercise and a Mediterranean diet have been associated with longer telomeres.
  • threadlike: 丝状的、细长的
  • shoelace: 鞋带
  • cardiovascular: 心血管的
  • diabete: 糖尿病
  • Mediterranean: 地中海的


The study also looked at the epigenetic age of women, a measurement taken by looking at DNA extracted from white blood cells. By studying the population of cells in the DNA, researchers can determine a person’s epigenetic age. The results were similar to what the telomeres indicated: The more pregnancies a woman went through, the “older” her epigenetic age.



